Very emotional piece, got to try this cranberry "treatment" someday:D...anyway i felt that this was a little "erotic ", or has that "sexy" feeling...really liking it, well done
There is definitely some emotion here. Your poem is easy to read. Each line makes a stand-alone statement or description. I suspect that you like cranberries. These lines could probably make a song. You do have imagination!
This is delicious and fun and very much you Nona, I can heart the echoes of your wildness. It was a metaphor worth pursing, it was a taste that made my life more complete.
So where do I find this hypothetical cranberry fragrance again?
я b полнейшем bосторге, Нона! bыходит, клюкbа - симbол обноbления?
а я-то думал, почему я так ее люблю. метафоры и слог - bеликолепны. любbи и радости - и обноbления Bесны! :)
to quench deprivation, to the point satisfaction and will collide,
recipracting the motive, a spirited cleanse, renewel in the eyes of
intended objective, recovery, detox, when heart gains perspective
to acomplish a greater purpose, and suffering is merely an
aftertaste, this poem strikes my imagination dearly, pure poetry :)
Are you one of those over achievers that excels at everything you do, lol. Great photos and great poetry. This is incredible, so sexy in the a fun original way. Your already far better than me, boooo. lol Love it, love 100/100
Though I see this world in poetic dimensions, I do not think I am a Poet with a capital “P”! I believe I am an artist, but I am not loyal to any particular form or genre of art, I am actu.. more..