Impressive ..very impressive! I never read something like this before with such a warm passion with words. I`m pleased, I think, reading this poem. You appeared like a skilled writer but i've figured out that your stuffs are written a year earlier .. you haven't penned since a long while..but what I think is that you should upload your new stuffs, i'd like to write. I can understand, the inspirations never stay with us for long walks away but it comes back either if we close our eyes and remind the past heydays of writings. I've been lost my inspirations many times and stopped writing but when I remind the heydays of writings closing my eyes ...looking to the sky.. I feel to being inspired again and this's what keeps me in a touch of writing.
~ "If you know the way how to live, you better know the way to being inspired in your life to do what you've been believing to since a long."
All the best! I do admire this beautiful well penned poem and I simply like reading your stuffs!
(...And by the way, I give you 100/100 rating for this beautiful write)
Hope to read your new stuffs if any of one you drop in a mean-while!
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you for your nice words and support! I take my zero inspiration for poetry very easy, though! .. read moreThank you for your nice words and support! I take my zero inspiration for poetry very easy, though! I believe in harmony and in the balance of energy! I need my energy for something else rather than poetry now... inspiration will come back just on time - at the right moment in life! Thank you for being kind and attentive!
Neat, but what truly brings freedom? Connection or independence? Mutual interdependence? We'll have to talk more about this one day.
I agree with you that the idea of possessing another human being is absurd, but in evolution it's a useful construct for mate and offspring investment, I imagine!
Posted 11 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you for your kind words, interesting observations, and your support! I truly hope to engage in.. read moreThank you for your kind words, interesting observations, and your support! I truly hope to engage in a long and exciting conversation about these and other questions with you one day! thanks also for an invite to the festival, but as you can see I don't have anything to submit so far! AH! where is my inspiration? where??????????
8 simple statements but profound requests
To plead to be retained in your essence and not let anything else highlight or mar that singularity that is YOU.
A fresh format to the eyes the way your text is almost-symmetrically laid.
The Butterfly on the Dahlia flower marries the pink to the black and fluorescent green of the insect that feasts and flies away..but also keeps the chain of reproduction alive...
The flower I presume is you...
The butterfly; the one spoken to..
and the one being asked to let you just exist by yourself!
Thank you!
Though I see this world in poetic dimensions, I do not think I am a Poet with a capital “P”! I believe I am an artist, but I am not loyal to any particular form or genre of art, I am actu.. more..