Candy Cane Ceiling

Candy Cane Ceiling

A Poem by Nomo

There's a candy cane in the ceiling 

Can I eat it?

Should i eat it?

How did it get there

Is it safe to eat?

It's not on the floor

So is it safe?

I think I might eat it 

Just for fun

© 2021 Nomo

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Hallucinations can sometimes be pleasant. But not always.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Your title grabs one's attention & makes one click to find out what this could possibly be about. Even tho, reading your share with Nix, I know this is a poem that came to you as a literal candy cane on the roof, the symbolism is stark to me. (I often need other people to show me the symbolism in my own poems, becuz I also write literally). So, I'm thinking, first off -- this person is overly cautious. Is this what people have become in today's world? Must one probe all these safety considerations before just sticking something into one's mouth? What happened to infant-mentality which says everything should go into one's mouth, the best place to fully explore an interesting item *wink! wink!* Even tho your poem ends with a surrender to "fun" (& boy, am I glad!) what comes before that, to me, is starkly LACKING in a fun & adventurous spirit. I say, loosen up! Stick stuff in your mouth & then take the next step . . . make us know & feel & taste & smell thru your words & make us want to suck on whatever you've got in your mouth. Excuse me for wandering (I'm old, I'm allowed to wander), but I figured my review might be the opposite of your terse little tucked-in poem barely venturing out into the big wide world of exploration (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 3 Years Ago

What is this about, Nomo? :)

I miss you, Nix ❤️️

Posted 3 Years Ago


3 Years Ago

There was a candy cane in my classroom that was on the ceiling. I wanted to eat it......
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3 Reviews
Added on April 9, 2021
Last Updated on April 9, 2021



Menomonie, WI

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