This is a sexual orientation a choice! Not Genetic...

This is a sexual orientation a choice! Not Genetic...

A Story by Mario Nocentelli

This morning, I woke up with a point that I felt I needed to make clear. Just so that in the future it will be understood and not misunderstood.

In my opinion are people born Gay?  My answer to that is no, homosexuality not genetic it is a spirit. There is no way to go down to your local nursery at the hospital and pick out the Gay babies. And add insult to injury by telling your mother she gave birth to a gay baby. Another lie the enemy uses to keep you in bondage…

What about gay men who say they cannot get rid of the desires of wanting a man? The enemies job is to attack the mind first that is how he keep one bound in sin. The bible says so a man think, so is he…(proverbs 23 niv) the life we lead is created by our thoughts… If your mind is made up that this sin is no longer an option for you then you too can be delivered. God has no respective person.
The word of God says in all thy getting get an understanding… With regard to my recent project “Open Door Closed Closet", which is available at ( and other online retailers as well.  I was doing a radio interview the other day and I felt as though the questions were steered towards… Whether or not the gay community was happy or unhappy with my conclusions in my book.  So I want to clarify for of all of those who have questions? My book was not written to bash, hurt or offend any ones lifestyle especially one I used to live as well. I was saved by Gods grace and if it is enough for me it can be enough for you! God wanted this subject brought to the forefront because we hide it so often or just decide we have to accept it and there is no hope for those who have lived and chosen this lifestyle.
Why would I choose this lifestyle, I would not wish it on anyone some would say, I never chose this? In my opinion, I spent approx eighteen years in homosexuality. I was molested as a child from the age of 6 until 12 years of age. My first point of reference when it came to sex was a man. So the enemy used that to steer me into a lifestyle that God never intended for me to live. I was 16 years old the first time I entered a gay bar… My father was not in my life; my mother was a single parent. Even though all these things were factors in me being homosexual, I still made a choice to live in it for many years. Even though deep down in my spirit man I knew it was wrong.  We choose the roads we go down in life. Just like, I chose to stop and say enough and ask God the make my crooked path straight. These are all choices…

How is it that you (Mario) have been able to maintain a straight lifestyle and had not gone back into this, when it seems so hard of a fight for others? I cried out to God for many years before he answered me. There were times when he answered me and because of the environment or state I was in I went right back to my same old sin… You see the key was I had to let everybody and everything that looked like that sin go until I was strong enough in the lord to deal with it on my own again. So that is what I did I pushed everyone and everything that did not look like where I wanted my life to go, out of my life.

You see God loves us all, He said in his word (Deuteronomy 30:19) "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!

So we have the right to “Free will” he is not going to force us to live the way he desires for us to live. He is just not that kind of God. Loving, however not forceful. Yes, God loves you. And he has a plan for your life if you are interested.

Now there is “His Will” this is when we say he is lord over our lives we live in His will for our lives. God’s desire is for us to have his best life.

So I broke all this down this morning to say it is a choice if you live in sexual sin no matter if you are in fornication, lewdness, lustfulness a hore or a homosexuality. I will end with this scripture and in my opinion this is all God wants from any of us. (2 Chronicles 7; 14) However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear [their prayer] from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country. So there you have it this is what I believe God wants me to say to his people… “There is hope and he can heal anyone from anything including homosexuality”.

Thank you, may these words be a blessing to you and yours that God can do anything. He is God, you just have to be serious enough to really want to repent and change your life. Otherwise you will just exist and never reach you fullest potential that He has for you. God’s best life. “His Will” at that point you’ve come to the understanding, that your life is not yours to live any kind of way. Because of Calvary, He gave his life, and we owe him our lives.

Mario Nocentelli

© 2011 Mario Nocentelli

Author's Note

Mario Nocentelli
Free will or His will we all have choices and God still loves us all. It is just his desire for us to change and serve him with our whole heart and our lives!

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Added on August 23, 2011
Last Updated on August 23, 2011


Mario Nocentelli
Mario Nocentelli

Dallas, TX

Critically Acclaimed Author Mr. Mario Nocentelli, his first book titled "Open Door Closed Closet" Minister Nocentelli deals with subject matter of being delivered from Homosexuality and sexual abuse a.. more..