New GIrls In School

New GIrls In School

A Chapter by Noah Wayverlynn

this chapter focuses on Maybell and Demetrah starting school at West Fargo High School.


On the fourth day of December, Demetrah and Maybell rush to their new school. They already have school supplies, so they didn't go school shopping. By the time they got to West Fargo High School, it was already 8am. When they got to the school, they went into the main office to grab their schedules and other information. Demetrah and Maybell both had a last name that started with "A", so they had the same counselor. They received their information they needed, and then they were dismissed to have breakfast. A few minutes later, A girl who was 5'3 and had a cane with her, came up to the new girls. The girl's name was Arizona Hidalgo-Crowe. She sat down across from them and said "Hey my name is Arizona. Are you girls new here?" Maybell responds to Arizona's question "Yes, we are new here. we are in 11th grade." Arizona smiles at Maybell and Demetrah, and she replies "May I see your schedules? I am curious what you girls have for classes." Maybell smiles, and she hands their schedules to Arizona. As Arizona reads the schedules, her eyes widen with excitement. while handing the schedules to Maybell, she says excitedly "Hey, you have the same classes as I do. The only thing is that you don't have study hall, and Demetrah has the exact same schedule as I do." With a excited look on her face, Demetrah chimes in "Hi Arizona, I'm Demetrah. It's a delight that we're in the same classes together." Arizona looks at Demetrah and expresses how delighted she is to meet her. Maybell says to Zona, "My friend Demetrah here is completely blind, and I see you are visually impaired too." The girl with dark brown hair replies "Yes, I'm visually impaired. I do have some sight though. I was born with an eye condition called Optic Nerve Hypoplasia." Maybell turns to her best friend and says "Well, looks like you found your first new friend. I bet you girls will become best friends like you and I. Maybe we should invite her to hang out with us at the hotel later tonight." Demetrah jumps with excitement and says "yes we should!" Arizona takes one last look at Maybell's schedule, and says "you don't have study hall, 21st century math, or Career and transition planning." After Arizona hands Maybell her schedule back, Maybell says "Please watch over Demetrah for me during the day. I would really appreciate it." Arizona accepts Maybell's request, and says "oh it's 8:27am already. Where are your lockers at?" Maybell looks at their schedules, and says "our lockers numbers are 1273 and 1271." with a shocked look on her face, Arizona says "oh my gosh, both of you are next to my locker! :)" The girls hurry to their lockers, and quickly put their backpacks and coats away. Suddenly, they hear the first bell rings, they hurry to their first class. When the three girls get there, Arizona sits in her assigned desk while the other two girls are being assigned a spot. Maybell was assigned a spot in the middle of the fourth row, and Demetrah was assigned the middle desk in the first row. Demetrah was assigned the desk closest to the whiteboard and projector. As school began and the announcements were being read, all three girls were silent. The hour passed by quickly since all they had to do was take notes, and 9:35 came up as fast as a cheetah. Maybell walks with Demetrah and Arizona until they reach study hall, and Arizona says to Maybell "Hey, we should sit together at lunch, We will meet you at the table that's closest to the main line. it's the two middle doors by where we get lunch. I will say your name so that you know where we are." starting to walk happily to science class, Maybell says to Zona "Alright Zona. Sounds good! Listen, I better catch you later because I'd hate to be late on my first day." Arizona and Demetrah smile, and they both tell Maybell "ok. ttyl." Since ttyl meant talk to you later, that's what the girls were saying. two hours later at 11:25am, Zona and Demetrah meet up with Maybell in the cafeteria. "Hey. Let's set our supplies down, and grab some lunch. We can talk about how your 3rd and 4th period of the day went." Knowing that the main choice was pasta, they quickly went through the main line and chatted at the same time." When it was Demetrah's turn to type in her student ID number, Maybell chimes in and says "I'm entering Demetrah's student ID in for her, because she's completely blind." The lady helping with the students says to Maybell "Ok. Thank you for letting me know." The three girls go sit by their supplies, and they start chatting again. Arizona tells Maybell and Demetrah "We have until 11:50am to finish up our lunches, and then we have to get to our next class. Demetrah and I have 21st century math, so we'll head there while you head to art." Maybell agrees, and then the girls finish up their lunches. It's now 11:50am, and the girls head to their classes.  As they head to their class, Arizona asks Demetrah "So where are you girls from?" Demetrah responds to Arizona, and says "We are from Jackson Mississippi. We came up here because we wanted to experience something new and to explore what's here in the north. I was born with the same condition as you were, but on the way up here Maybell missed a turn. We crashed into a pole, and it hit my car so hard that it took the rest of my sight. The pole didn't do major damage to the car, but it did ruin the paint." After school was over, the girls walked down the stairs, and chatted by the bus loop until Arizona's bus pulled up. The girls gave each other a high five, and Arizona exclaimed "Text me!" Maybell nods indicating that she said yes, and she says "Your bus is here, better go before you miss it." The 17 year old ran out to the bus, and then waved from the back window as the bus pulled away. Demetrah and Maybell walked out to the student parking lot, and they got into their car. They started the car up, and drove back to their hotel.

© 2016 Noah Wayverlynn

Author's Note

Noah Wayverlynn
I was actually 17 years old when I thought of writing this book, so that's why I put "The 17 year old" I turned 18 on New Years day.

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Added on January 12, 2016
Last Updated on January 12, 2016


Noah Wayverlynn
Noah Wayverlynn

West Fargo, ND

Yo! It's Noah here! I love to write stories, poetry, songs, and more! I am gender fluid and visually impaired. hope you enjoy the writing! more..
