The mind makes us crazy, it makes us weak, and we break down. We break down from the pressure and break down from the stress, we loose confidents in life and we loose ourselves. We cry, we struggle, and we become a different person that we ever wanted to be, we become the people we never wanted to see, and the people we never wanted to see become a part of us. We bend, we shatter... We become unstable, but what makes us human is that we build, we build the broken dreams and the empty promises, we carry the broken pieces of the people who don't wish to make a change in the world, and we carry the ones on our back who struggle to carry themselves because every once in a while, a person needs a hand, a push, a shove, and a drive to become the person they used to be. Every person needs that passion, that fire, and that desire to love themselves before they can love anybody else... We all need that, and to make that happen, we must carry each other. Not every second, not every hour, but every time one is weak, and one is lonely, and one has no love left to give to the world or the people around them. This, is the circle of life. This, makes us human, makes us strong, makes us build, shatter, cry, crumble, and end up in victory as we face a new challenge everyday. This is life.