![]() The Precursors: Light of the GardenerA Story by Nathaniel Ward![]() The first Civilisation, the Gardener, helped and abandoned and the beginning of the Light Vs Dark saga.![]() In the
beginning, all was silent until that fateful morning when everything changed
for the better, but we were all very wrong. Our home world was barren, with
little life aside from our species and some other plant life. This plant life,
with its vibrant purple hue and sweet scent, was toxic to our people, causing
severe rashes and hallucinations. Led by our fearless and inquisitive Leader,
we, a resilient species, lived in the desert area of our world. We were nomads
seeking an understanding of pain and life outside of this reality, so we
traveled. We sought a
new beginning when the beautiful Fauna wiped out half our species in what was
once our home. We had to flee from our houses as this Fauna overtook our homes,
and it grew wildly like it had a vendetta against us all. However, we firmly
believed something more was behind this; something had to have caused this to
occur, even so altering it outright, making it incredibly toxic to us; it
killed nearly 75% of our species, and among us, the other life forms that once
lived alongside us, we saved what we could, and fled into the barren wilderness
our planet, we looked to the sky for help and answers, but all was silent until
we felt a vibration coming from the very core of our world. Yet, in the face of
this adversity, we clung to the hope of a brighter future where our species
could survive and thrive once more. We had the
elders who could feel these Vibrations, and the last time they felt this type
of Vibration, our world nearly died entirely, but it didn’t, and it began to
grow, and we flourished for a time; this is what we call our Golden Era, an era
without suffering until the vibrations started once more after being silent for
nearly 7,000 years. This
is what we believe caused the sudden change and outbreak of the toxic Fauna
that almost made our species and others almost extinct and drove us into this
lifeless part of our world; there was little water to be found; however, what
could be seen as the purest there was, it got richer and purer as we went into
the desert further and further, something was making this water pure as can be.
Our leader was strong, courageous, and inspiring, leading us from our homes and searching for a new life during a chaotic era. However, some have started to question his decisions after losing some of our elderly on this journey. We have endured this unbearable heat for 90 years, but for us, 90 years is a short time considering our potential lifespan of thousands of years. The elders, who have lived for a thousand years, undergo purification trials to become leaders. Most are gone now, except for Shadiq, Hera, and Janna. They are the oldest among us, left to endure the suffering. My name is
Eretria, and I am the daughter of our leader, my father who named Yisrael. My mother is Mira. She
was timid, whereas my father was rough-skinned and set in his ways. He is
remarkable. After all, he convinced our people to give up all they knew and
loved to find a better world without the toxic fauna plaguing them. This is our
story. It is as old as our existence. Many stories are to be told, but many
were left behind and written on Amethyst tablets. So much of our history is
gone, and only this journey will be remembered, a new era for a new generation
that would not know war and pain, or well, we hope that is.
"It’s hot out, father. When will we come to this supposed wellspring of life?" My father stopped and looked at me sternly, "There is no need to cower, little one. We will soon arrive. The Vibrations have grown stronger, which means we must be near." The day dragged on, and now that I'm 13, I don't feel like a little kid anymore. However, my father still treats me like one. It's not surprising, but I wish he would stop treating me like a child, especially when most kids my age can explore independently. " But after witnessing our people suffer and nearly all of them die, our species is on the verge of extinction, and he made the right call; this barren wilderness is no safer than the toxic fauna we ran from all those years ago. “We shall stop here for the night; rest well because come daybreak, we shall make for the wellspring. The Vibrations have grown intense. I do believe we are close, very close.” My father turned to walk away, and I was puzzled. He had been leaving with no intent to tell us where he went. So I shall do what I do best, be concerned, and follow him. As I walked up this cliff, I could hear my father saying, "I
don’t know what to do. Our people are in dire need of salvation. All I see is
suffering, and I do not know what to do. I want to alleviate their pain, but I
seem to be leading them to nothing. Please, I beg you to talk to me and show me
something, so I know what I am doing is right. I can feel the hopelessness
setting in, not just for me but for our people. They have grown doubtful of me,
believing I failed them even after our elders tried to find a way to live with
the toxic fauna but failed. This had to be the only way. But I do not know if I
am right in this endeavor; maybe I should have let nature overtake us. Please
show me anything." As I looked on, he began to cry suddenly. A brutal shockwave came from our direction, and
the land beneath us shook. He looked afraid. I stepped back, and a rock fell
off the cliff I was climbing. He turned to look my way, and I hid. He looked
around but soon gave up and went further into the mountain. I decided to head
back to the camp. As I walked up to the camp, everyone was fixing things up
from that shockwave; I placed my hand on my mother's shoulder, “Oh, is that
you, my love?” as she turned around and saw me, “Oh, Eretria! Where have you
been? I am so glad you are safe after that shockwave. Did you see your abba? I
am worried for him.” I
momentarily thought, "No, I did not see him. Hopefully, he is all
right," and replied. Withholding the truth doesn't sit right with me, but
I do not want to worry her about him. Whatever caused that shockwave is close,
for sure. Suddenly, Abba walked into the camp and approached us. "Is
everyone okay?" he asked as he walked up to us and embraced us in a big
hug. "I am so sorry I was not here for that," he said regretfully. We
hugged him back, and my mother reassured him, "Sweetheart, everything is
fine here. We understand you have had a lot on your mind and shoulders, leading
our people out of the wilderness to what we hope is a new and better life. Your
strong convictions made us follow you, but why have I noticed doubt creeping
into the minds of our people?" he said doubtfully. I replied to
both, pointing out that it's natural to feel weary after all this time, but
when we finally reach our destination, all the suffering and hard times will
have been worth it. They looked at me with wide eyes as if they had finally
understood. They smiled and nodded in acceptance, saying, “Yes, you're right;
we will find a purpose out here when we reach our end and smile gleefully,
knowing we did all we could.” He replied with a huge smile. He turned to walk
away, leaving the tent. We slept till morning. As I woke up, everyone gathered
their things to make their last travel because Father knew we would arrive at
the source of the vibrations that afternoon. "Everyone, we have come so far! We have all suffered greatly, leaving our homes, entering the wilderness, and giving up all we had. But these were just materials. Living was worth the sacrifice; otherwise, we would have gone extinct. I could not personally watch my love, my child die, nor any of you! I will not. And even though we have lost a lot, and I know many of our own have perished on this hard journey, let us make it so their losses would not be for nothing!" Everyone began to cheer. It seems Father rallied them up; they needed this. We all did, to be honest. As we made our way towards the end of this journey, I found something weird; it seemed to be a feather from something. It radiated this bright glow we have come to call light. "Hmm, I do not know what this is, but it feels like a feather. I don't know of any creature here that glows like this. However, it gives off a warm feeling and vibrates, just like the vibrations we began to feel 45 years ago when the fauna took over." My father explained, handing it back to me, “Keep it; it yet may serve us a purpose.” He explained as he went ahead. Nightfall, when we came to this pass, we could see the light coming from the distance; this is it. We have nearly made it, and I know my father would love to keep going, but I think we should make camp. "Everyone,
we're almost at our new home. My daughter suggests we make camp here. I haven't
seen any signs of predators, so I believe it's safe. Rest up, and we'll see
what the future holds at dawn," he yelled to our people. They started
setting up their tents and fires. My feather began to shine brighter than
before. I could feel it pulsing in my hands. My eyes grew
heavy as the feather pulsed, and I could hardly keep them open. I looked up
towards the sky and swore I saw stars dancing before me. Suddenly, I was
somewhere else. I saw two beings sitting before a campfire that glowed like my
feather. I called out, but they couldn’t hear me, or maybe they weren’t meant
to. I walked over and could listen to them talking clearly; one was feminine, and
the other was masculine. I looked up
in shock. I said, What? What do you mean? "A
special new rule. Something to…" The gardener threw up their hands in
exasperation. "I don't know. To reward those who make space for new
complexity. A power that
helps those who make strength from heterodoxy and steer the game away from
gridlock. Something to ensure there's always someone building something new. It
must be separate from the rest of the rules, running in parallel, so it can't
be compromised. And we'll have to be careful, so it doesn't disrupt the whole
game…" All you will
do, I said, with rising panic fury, is delay the dominant pattern that will
overrun the others. It is inevitable"one final shape. "No,
it'll be different. Everything will be different everywhere you look." Everything
will be the same. Your new rule will only make significant false cysts of horror full of things that
should not exist, that cannot withstand existence, that will suffer and scream
as their rich blisters fill with effluent and rot around them, and when they
pop, they will blight the whole garden. Whatever exists because it must exist
and because it permits no other way of existence has the absolute claim to
existence. That is the only law. "No,"
the gardener said, "I am the growth and preservation of complexity. I will
make myself into a law in the game." Thus, we two became parts of the game, and the laws of
the game became nomic and open to change through our influence. And I had only
one purpose and one principle in the game. And I could do nothing but continue
to enact that purpose because it was all I was and ever would be. I looked at
the gardener. I looked at
my hands. I discovered
the first knife. As I stood
before these two, I could feel the light radiating from the feminine being,
just like the feather I hold, but I also felt the darkness coming from the
other one. It's black as smoke from a fire burning down a home or forest. It was intense. Suddenly, I saw a feminine figure looking directly at me. She stood up. Her figure was just pure light, a solid physical form like mine. However, she walked over to me and looked down at the feather. Then she looked back up at me. “Do not fear the sky, my little bird,” she told me. Suddenly, I woke to my father shaking me. “Eretria, it's time to get up; we must get moving.” I sat up, rubbing the sleep dust from my eyes; I gave a huge yawn, “Oh, I am sorry; I did not mean to oversleep, Father.” I stood up and washed my face. I saw
everyone else eagerly waiting to leave; we would arrive at our destination. As we
approached a tunnel leading to the end, my father signaled for us all to stop.
He turned around and looked upon his people. "Today is the day, my
beloveds. We will soon see what is causing this change in our world, and with
any hope left in our bones, we pray to find a new life full of safety and
security. This tunnel looks worrisome, but I tell you, have faith, and we will
make it!" he explained, signaling me to come up. "Hold up the
feather, my little one." I held it up, and it shined brighter than before.
Everyone began to chatter in awe. "This feather my child holds, I knew it
would soon play a part for us all; her feather of light will soon illuminate
this dark pitch-black tunnel!" he yelled excitedly. “it will
give us the hope we all desperately need in our darkest hour as we step into
this darkness. This light
is with us for a reason. I cannot tell you why, but I do believe it was
supposed to be that my little light found this feather just when we needed it
most.” He explained. He turned around. Now! Let us move towards our destination!
He yelled, pointing to the tunnel. We made our way inside, with me at the
group's helm. The feather glowed brightly as if it grew in light to guide us;
water dripped from the cave ceiling. It was damp here. The light got super
intense and gave off a strong pulse. We could see
the exit; my father
stopped me, and in response, everyone else stopped. He just looked ahead, and I
could see him shaking as I turned around. “There it is, my beloveds, the end of
this tiring journey. There is so much loss, but here it is, the beginning of a
new journey, one of happiness, I am certain.” He shook his head and signaled me
to head forward. As we made it out of the cave, we saw it! It was gigantic and
magnificent, a sphere sticking out of the crust of our world; I could feel the
vibrations emanating from it. However, as if it were alive, the area here was
desolate, with no vegetation. “This is what caused our old home to be unlivable;
I do not understand why there is no life here.” I approached my father and touched
his shoulder, but he shuddered. "Do not lose faith, Father. Perhaps it was
waiting for our arrival to show us what it could do," I said. He looked
intensely at the strange object, so I left his side and walked towards the
sphere. As I reached it, the feather vibrated even faster and more intensely.
Suddenly, the sphere gave off a massive pulse of light with a loud cry that
followed. The ground beneath us shook, and vegetation grew everywhere we could
see. It was unbelievable. Our people just fell to their knees and began to
praise it; however, it remained embedded in the ground. Our minds were opened to knowledge, unlike anything we
have known. We rebuilt, in time, a whole new civilization from its immense
light. We flourished, but this was not enough for our people as we grew more advanced
with the gifts of the light, my father grew hungrier for more than just what we
had; he wanted to know what the meaning of our life was or more what the
meaning of life was in general to this God who caused our near extinction and
then our salvation, our people's numbers have increased in the thousands. We eventually reached the point where we could venture
into the unknown above us. We saw many worlds this great thing had visited
before it grew tired and landed on what is now our tiny home; how the joys are
of seeing life, but my father saw all of this, and I could sense something in
him changed, he wasn’t the same leader who led us across the wilds and the one
who rebuilt our homes and even greater too, he craved understanding and the
great god remained ever silent to his pleas for answer and wisdom. Maybe it was because there wasn’t any wisdom to be gained, or it gave us all we needed. Life and potency: My father led many missions into deep space, seeing many worlds, and many suffered for no reason or well. To him, it was uncalled for. He tried to help those he could, but in the end, chaos took over because he said there was no order and no purpose for the universe, and he disliked this setup. As I walked into the house, he was, “Eretria, where have you been?” “I have been looking all over for you.” I looked at him, puzzled. “I was out with David trying to commune with the Gardener, and I saw you return and made my way back.” He sighed. “Look, that thing hasn’t spoken since just giving us more knowledge, but I need more than advancement in our world. I need to understand why we are even here, what is the point or rather the purpose of whatever it is this whole thing is.” Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and I began to reply. “Hold that thought, little one,” he walked over to the door and opened it, “Come on in, my old friend.” an elderly man walked in, “Good to see you, John. You look well, but there is no time for pleasantries. I found another being or force; it appeared on our radar after we shared a vision.” My father looked interested, but I felt terrible about
this. He looked at me and gave me chills. “Let us not discuss this further in
front of your child. After all, she still holds the feather. “My father agreed
and left. As he opened the door and went to leave, he looked back at me with a sad
expression. Of course, I reached out for him, but the door shut on us. I walked
to the window and just watched as he made his way to the man's ship and went
off. I could not help but recall my vision while first getting the feather of
light. This thing that man mentioned had to be the opposite of the gardener
during what they called the flower game. I left the house and returned to the Gardener, “I will be back later, Imma.” As I returned to the gardener, I reached out to it and
touched it. “O God of ours, please help me. My abba is lost, seeking what he
calls purpose, but he is being led closer to something I do not feel is right.
Why seek anything other than your light?” nothing, not even a hum from the
gardener. It was silent as always, but I decided to leave and explore beyond the
gardener. I saw some caves, and it called to me for some reason. The sky darkened,
but the gardener's light began to shine as it usually does at night. I entered the caves and brought out my feather, illuminating
my way. What a surprise to me; paintings on the cave walls depicted the moment
the Gardener came to our world. Another group of people stood on this cliffside
that gave the entrance to the caves, and they held their hands up in praise and
worship. The thing slammed into the crust of our planet, and a great earthquake
occurred. The world was upended, and chaos rained down. This god killed off
this race and repopulated the world, giving new life to the one that existed
once before us. But why would it cause this mass extinction and
recreation? What did it gain from this? I shook my head and decided to head
back. A being walked out of the cave and watched as I went down. I approached
the door and heard Imma and Abba arguing about what they found. “So another God
exists out there in deep space, and you communed with it, but you shook its
message away, so now you want to ask the gardener what it wants you to do,
knowing all too well that the god of our people has been silent ever since we found
it.” “Yes, my beloved, because it is our God, it is done being silent on us; I think
it owes me. . . no us an explanation about everything.” © 2024 Nathaniel WardAuthor's Note
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Added on June 22, 2024 Last Updated on June 22, 2024 Author![]() Nathaniel WardWestland, MIAbout24 love to write and I am a huge nerd I love video games and anime and manga and comics. just all around nerd lol more..Writing