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Tale Off Two Roots and Forgiveness

Tale Off Two Roots and Forgiveness

A Story by Nathaniel Ward

two sons, two brothers, two roots, with one in darkness and the other in light, a journey to God's Grace!

long ago, there was this family that farmed fruit, it was the first century, times were decent then, and people worked for their keep, there was a family blessed by the lord our God, this family bore two sons, who went on to care for the family farm, one married a lovely lady, although she was barren and cannot bear any seeds for the man she was married too.
he loved her regardless, needless to say, he worked in an apple orchard and grew plentiful bins full of apples and other delicious fruit, which he would take into town for selling, and an offering to the Lord, his brother too worked on the farm and cared for his share, however whenever they would go together to the market and to make their offerings onto the Lord,
the youngest sibling was favored highly not just by the townsfolk who bought their goods but by their Lord in heaven, how he smiled upon the youngest sibling with glad tidings, suddenly one night as the eldest sibling would go out at night to pray, "Oh Father why do you not give me your grace? is my offering not as good as my brother's? why do you remain silent to me, have you turned your face from me?" but he heard nothing from the lord, for the eldest brother grew envious and contempt for his brother.
suddenly a serpent came upon him in a dream, whispering dark tidings into his ear, saying "Ye could sabotage thy brother and take thy harvest in the early morning before he awakens" Suddenly he woke with a sinister smile and went and collected up his harvest and went out, the sun barely rising in the east, he went on his way and chopped a tree down, which blocked the path to the market.
later that morning the youngest brother awoke to find his eldest brother had left earlier than usual. he collected his harvest which he always does, kissed his wife goodbye, and headed out, while at the market, the eldest brother barely sold any of his harvests, feeling angry he grinned his teeth to the point they bled, meanwhile the youngest came upon block path, there was no way to go but the long way which was a dangerous path, full of vagabonds and killers, so he went to the long way, gleefully, for the lord was with him.
he eventually made his way to the market entrance where everyone swarmed him, seeking if he was safe, as he took the dangerous path, he assured them all he was fine, his elder brother looked on in disgust, as they made their offerings to the lord in the temple, they went home, they both managed to chop up the large tree that blocked their path, as soon they reached home, the eldest brother snapped at the youngest, "Why! Why! Why!" he shouted repeatedly "what do you mean O Brother of mine?" "Why does the Lord smile upon you! and not me, not once has he reached out to me!" "O Brother he loves you as much as me, I am sure of this." the eldest shoved him out of the way and went to his home.
that night the serpent came back to him, "See that was not enough, maybe take it a bit further and sabotage the ladder he uses to harvest the fruit" "But that could harm him? he could die or something?" "Better he be removed so you can take his share and steal his blessings" he awoke with the whispers in his mind, he went out early and did as the serpent suggested, that afternoon as the sun was high in the sky, the youngest brother had a serious accident, he broke both of his legs and was laid up, the eldest suggested he would help him harvest and to take the wagon into the market for him.
"You would be so kind? after that little fight you had?" "of course, am I not your eldest brother, that was just anger at myself, you are not at fault" The youngest smiled and nodded, the elder brother looked back as he was about to leave and saw the pain his younger brother was in, and something inside began to stir, this wasn't happiness or fulfillment, rather it was regret and shame...
as the eldest made his way to the market, the serpent once more whispered into his mind, "See this played out well, now all you must do is kill him, and you can have his wife to be yours and if you do this for me, I shall make her capable of bearing your seed" "Why would you suggest such a horrible act upon me? The Lord would not be pleased?" "What hast The Lord ever done for thee, he not once favored your offerings? but I shall only if you do as I demand."
The eldest Brother indeed sold the harvest of both and made their offerings and as he went home, a dark storm overcame him, rain poured down, and he saw a man walking in the distance, it was his brother all bloodied and reeking of death, he ran to him and grabbed him and shook him, "please Brother Of mine! wake up! I promised Mother and Father, I would protect you" "Then why have you forsaken me? Why did you conspire with the serpent to put me to death?" suddenly the eldest Brother fell to his knees and cried out! "O Lord forgive me for my sins, for my roots have rotted in wickedness and I bore bad fruit but my brother his roots are pure and just, surely he bore Good fruit, please punish me and not him!"
"You cried to the one who turned his face from you?" "SERPENT!!!" "Take what is yours, for The Lord does not care either way" "NO! I SHALL NOT LISTEN TO YOUR SHARP TOUNGE! YOU LED ME FROM THE LORD! YOU CAUSED MY ROOTS TO ROT, SO NOW I BORE BAD FRUIT! I REBUKE YOU SERPENT OF SIN AND EVIL!"
The eldest yelled out, as the serpent took form before him, he looked the wicked one in the eyes and accepted his fate! "Take my life then O wicked Serpent of Old! but spare my brother!" "I shall consume you and your brother!" as the vile serpent went to devour the eldest suddenly a bright light broke through the dark clouds and the light touched the serpent and it cried out in agony, sending it away! "My Son, what hast thee done? you were lied to by that wicked beast, and you now seek forgiveness?" "O Lord my roots have become sick and wicked, I did conspire to harm my brother, but never once did I want him dead, I laid low through Envy and greed."
"Yes you have my son, but I have never turned my face from you, I shall give you one chance to cleanse thy roots of this wickedness, go to thy brother and beseech his forgiveness if his roots become tainted through rage at what you have wrought, I shall burn you all to ash and scatter thy ashes into the orchard your family left thee, but if he shall find it in his heart to forgive thee for thy sins, then I too shall forgive thy roots and transgressions and heal thy roots and thy shall bare good fruit for the remainder of thy days!"
"Yes O Lord I shall go but I do not deserve his forgiveness, please do not take his life nor his wife's life, take mine only here and now and spare them, if I must burn I will accept that punishment" "No! now go!" the eldest heeded the Lord's Demand and went and returned to the youngest brothers home, and fell to his bedside, and began to confess his sins.
"O Brother of mine, may you find it in your heart and soul to forgive me, I was the one who blocked the path to the market and made you take the long path, and I too was the one who sabotaged your ladder and caused this injury upon you, and then the serpent requested I take your life for his reward was your wife and harvest, I rebuked the serpent and I am ready to face my judgment, for the Lord has finally revealed himself to thee, for he requested to me seek forgiveness from you, I do not deserve such mercy from you let alone our Lord!" the youngest brother looked on as the eldest sobbed uncontrollably, he reached out to place his hands onto his brother.
"O Brother this was the work of the serpent; you are not evil not at the root of your soul! I remember when you saved me from falling off that cliff side, and you got injured on my behalf, you must have felt neglected even when our father showed favor for me, you must have felt scorned, and rightfully so, but I tell you brother that the Lord smiled on us both, for the reason I sold better fruit was because I had you by my side! the Lord has never turned his face from you, and I do forgive you for your acts against me, and so I do hope The Father does the same"
Suddenly a figure cloaked in white appeared, and smiled at the brothers, "Ye have been forgiven by thy brother for his sins against him, and as I said I too shall forgive you! your roots are cleansed, my son! I shall never turn my face from the both of you, this was as much a test for you and for your brother, for no one man shall cast judgment onto another not even thy own brother, only I the father who shaped you in thy mother's womb is the one who can cast judgment, for the serpent is scorned and my Light shall be upon the three of you," suddenly the youngest brothers wife grabbed her stomach where her barren womb was, and she bled heavily!
"Ye shall provide an heir for this family! for I have blessed thee, remember always I am here, through prayer I am here!" the apparition vanished, and the youngest brother suddenly could walk once more. they all danced happily with The Lord their God our God smiling down upon them. the End

© 2024 Nathaniel Ward

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Added on March 14, 2024
Last Updated on March 20, 2024


Nathaniel Ward
Nathaniel Ward

Westland, MI

24 love to write and I am a huge nerd I love video games and anime and manga and comics. just all around nerd lol more..
