

A Chapter by Nix is typing...

My great-grandmother died when I was only three, I don't possess a single memory... I don't remember her...but I still miss her...


I don’t remember much good from my childhood

And it honestly kills me

There are so many things I wish I understood

I wish I could remember my Nanny

I’ve tried time and time again to remember

But it’s like your memory’s a burnt-out ember

Nanny, I wish you could be here for the good times and the bad

I wish I could come to you whenever I felt sad

She passed when I was only three

But whenever I hear her name, tears stream from my eyes

I don’t even have of her a memory

Just of the day she died

I heard she loved me

I heard I was her absolute favorite

I wish she wasn’t lost in a sea of old memories

I wish I had a memory just so I could savor it

I heard when I was little she used to spoil me

I used to sit in her lap and she’d tell me stories…

I remember the day she was hauled off in the ambulance…

It came to me in a dream…

She died doing what she loved the most…

Worshiping God in church

Looking ever so lovely

Always looking so recherche

With everything that’s happened in my life

I’ve really lost faith

But if there really was Heaven and Hell

I know in life, my Nanny did well

I know she’d be walking on the streets of gold

Looking down

She was such a good woman

I just wish she could still be around

I wish I could remember you, Nanny...

© 2021 Nix is typing...

Author's Note

Nix is typing...
Every story I've ever heard of my Nanny has been so good and heavenly...I wish I could remember her...

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As the youngest in my family, my g-parents were all gone before I was old enuf to know any of them. But I can assure you, everyone in the family let me know how s****y most of them thought they all were! *wink! wink!* That's why it's a little tough for me to process a poem like this, written in such an adoring, childlike way. I might be too cynical to buy this crap. But as I search for something nice to say, I find that this poem feels almost as if you reverted to a younger age in order to put yourself into these memories, which is a very good thing (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 3 Years Ago

Unfortunately Nix, loss is part of life. Not something we are happy with, but something with which we must deal.
Be comforted with the fact that your Nanny loved you so much and that she is in a better place ... she's probably watching over you at this moment.
I believe that no one really dies as long as a piece of their memory lives on in another ... so your Nanny
is still very much a part of you.

Be safe my young friend.

Posted 3 Years Ago

wow this very sad but deep write you put in a lot of thought, i like that, because it comes from the heart, when i was a child there a lot of people who touch my heart and no longer here. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Nix is typing...

3 Years Ago

Thank you for the read and review, Mr. Montoya :)

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3 Reviews
Added on February 26, 2021
Last Updated on March 12, 2021


Nix is typing...
Nix is typing...

Athens, GA

Uh, what can I say? Hi! I'm Phoenix (Nix) 🔥 Most of my poems are in my books :) except for Phoenix Parker, that's a book I wrote last year. Most of my writing is poetry, I'm always o.. more..


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