A poem by Nix&Ts "Primary feature of quarks is that they're always bonded together but in that moment, I felt like a neutrino, destined to be alone forever" -Adult Sheldon Voiceover in Young Sheldon
I am just a neutrino
Never bonded, always alone
I barely interact
With the stuff of this world
A billion years through the vacuum of space
Just to pass through a planet
And not touch anything
Laughs and smiles fly by
I change forms as I go
One flavor then another
Not that anyone could detect it
Because I barely exist
I'm nearly nothing
With a trillion other nothings
Passing through you right now
Destined to be alone
For the rest of my little life
I don’t really matter
Just a tiny piece of matter
When I decay no one will miss me
Never noticed, I’ll pass by you
I’m just an extra in that dream you had last night
A poem by Nix and Ts (T.S. Ulmus). (Sorry it's so smushed up up there^^ I ran out of characters so I had to get rid of some punctations smush our names together) This one was my prompt, I started with, "Sometimes I feel like a Neutrino, never bonded, always alone" and he asked if that was my work, and I said, "Yes, I was the one that put that" and he said, "I'm surprised you know what a neutrino is". Ts is actually really SMART, so I absolutely HAD to have him add on to it. As always, I enjoyed writing this with him. We brought a little science to the cafe...Hope y'all like it!
My Review
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Loved just loved the great analogy of the Neutrino. Yes, like nothing but yet something. Energy packed and ready to change the order in the Universe. The Universe is just made of up of neutrinos, remember? So we are bound to make that difference. Infinitesmal is infinte. *********10000000/100 ************
kudos on the great collab!
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
You know, I was really worried no one would get my little Neutrino analogy, so glad you do! Thank yo.. read moreYou know, I was really worried no one would get my little Neutrino analogy, so glad you do! Thank you so kindly for your review, AJ!!!
I love how wondrously Science does work and is hand in hand with the arts .. inspiration is everywhere ..mostly at that place where Science lets off and points to vast and new frontiers .. so your title caught me Nix. I was hoping to find something you wrote alone .. so much of your work is in conjunction the TS, not saying that is a bad thing by any means .. i also like to collab now and then ..it presents its unique challenges to stay open and put down the ol' ego junk ;) the neutrino .. with a mass near 0 .. incredible .. a non-interacting particle .. how can that be when everything about mass says "stick together" .. its just fascinating says i! the metaphor is so strong in this one .. so many "alone" people .. we walk over them dead in the doorways .. dead in the subways .. dead holding out a tin cup .. wanting and needing but will never be so presumptuous to ask for help .. what i feel in reading is a deep pain for those suffering mental and emotional illnesses especially .. it separates them in our society .. they are stigmatized by lack of knowledge in the general population .. out of sight out of mind .. but they aren't are they ... they are their passing through us daily .. invisible .. unnoticed :((( love the voice in your poem .. love the science and art connection .. well done .. very seamless for sure ..glad i did not miss it!
ps. perfect pic .. nice nice nice stuff you two!
Loved just loved the great analogy of the Neutrino. Yes, like nothing but yet something. Energy packed and ready to change the order in the Universe. The Universe is just made of up of neutrinos, remember? So we are bound to make that difference. Infinitesmal is infinte. *********10000000/100 ************
kudos on the great collab!
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
You know, I was really worried no one would get my little Neutrino analogy, so glad you do! Thank yo.. read moreYou know, I was really worried no one would get my little Neutrino analogy, so glad you do! Thank you so kindly for your review, AJ!!!
Being and nothingness Nix - good existentialist material. Noone and nothing is insignificant - 'There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow' - everything we say think or do changes the World.
Uh, what can I say?
Hi! I'm Phoenix (Nix) 🔥
Most of my poems are in my books :) except for Phoenix Parker, that's a book I wrote last year.
Most of my writing is poetry, I'm always o.. more..