

A Chapter by Nix is typing...

This was a text I sent to my (now ex) boyfriend when we had gotten in a fight


Head in my hands
I'm sorry I've upset you
We needa work on our communicating
Wish I could make it up
But I guess the best way would be...
To go ahead and let you go to f*****g sleep
I know you're tired, 
And you don't have time to talk to me. 
I feel like such a bad girlfriend, 
So I'll just sit here and overthink 
Overthink about last year on Valentines day, 
You gave a heart full of chocolates,
Ooo, what a daring way to play
Overthink about what DUMB S**T I have to say. 
Overthink about how f*****g crazy I am about your tall a*s. 
Overthink about how fragile I am with you,
Like glass. 
Overthink about you, 
all the f*****g time, 
It's like you're stuck in my head, 
but I can't help it, you're so sublime
But your words sting 
Like a cut stung with a lime 
Alright, I feel like a dumbass now, 
I'm gonna go,
But before I do 
just know: this dumbass 
*points at self* loves you

© 2021 Nix is typing...

Author's Note

Nix is typing...

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This is top-notch writing. One of my frequent criticisms is for messages that describe one person being so hooked on another, it's like he/she has only this other person as his/her identity. I don't think its healthy to approach love this way. That being said, I can overlook my dislike for such a dependent mindset becuz you express yourself so powerfully, & you are so completely lacking in inhibitions, so dynamic & playful, it's impossible not to love this poem & adore this person who could be so completely head-over-heels about another person. Reading this, it just occurred to me that we all disagree about lots of stuff, but the best writing is so arresting, we let go of our dislikes! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nix is typing...

3 Years Ago

It makes me happy to see that my poem is good enough to overlook one of your frequent criticisms! I .. read more
Words of Wisdumb

3 Years Ago

Good job. Commonality is always a good theme and overthinking is definitely common.


I love the line "I'll just sit here and overthink" because it perfectly captures something about those times when I almost choose to be miserable, choose to sit with my head in my hands and overthink - I know I am doing it and it is just perfectly miserable and yet I seem to be powerless to do anything else. It's very visual and visceral and an engaging read.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Beautiful, as per usual. 🥺 The emotion, the stress - it's so apparent and you've captured it so nicely. As a fellow overthinker myself, I strongly relate. Our pesky thoughts and anxiety filled bodies always seem to find a way to make us find faults in everything. No matter how little or simple that may be.

Posted 3 Years Ago

This seems like a very stressful relationship, or perhaps the narrator is the one who has a stressful relationship with herself.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Nix is typing...

3 Years Ago

Well... don't all relationships have at least some stress? I'm glad I made you think! :) Thanks for .. read more
As an overthinker, this relates to me so much. In a world of fake smiles and fake faces, it's hard to know someone's true heart until it's seemingly too late to stop the pain train from running you down. I felt this, so well written!

Posted 3 Years Ago

Nix is typing...

3 Years Ago

See, this is what I mean when I say I wish I had your mind... God, I wish I could leave reviews as g.. read more
As a fellow overthinker, this reads very real. You have quite the talent for capturing the grit of emotion. Only 18 and the soul of a poet, I have to tell you it doesn't get easier, just wait until you have some real s*** to feel rotted about, when your soul is full of maggots and decay because of things you do or say. Unfortunately, I can promise that will happen. A talented write here though.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nix is typing...

3 Years Ago

Actually, I won't be 18 until June, but six months isn't much of a difference, I suppose. I apprecia.. read more
T.S. Ulmus

3 Years Ago

I'm glad you accepted my review with only the love with which it was intended. Wisdom has a smell wh.. read more
Nix is typing...

3 Years Ago

Haha, I like that little rhyme! Thank you!
This is top-notch writing. One of my frequent criticisms is for messages that describe one person being so hooked on another, it's like he/she has only this other person as his/her identity. I don't think its healthy to approach love this way. That being said, I can overlook my dislike for such a dependent mindset becuz you express yourself so powerfully, & you are so completely lacking in inhibitions, so dynamic & playful, it's impossible not to love this poem & adore this person who could be so completely head-over-heels about another person. Reading this, it just occurred to me that we all disagree about lots of stuff, but the best writing is so arresting, we let go of our dislikes! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nix is typing...

3 Years Ago

It makes me happy to see that my poem is good enough to overlook one of your frequent criticisms! I .. read more
Words of Wisdumb

3 Years Ago

Good job. Commonality is always a good theme and overthinking is definitely common.

.......... Certainly made me think .. am gonna score you high because I'm a nice guy but maybe consider reviewing folk before you ask them to become friends ... just sayin :)
.......... Neville

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nix is typing...

3 Years Ago

*Smiles awkwardly* Sorry, I was like three percent awake last night at like 5 am friending everyone... read more

3 Years Ago

................. no need to apologise .. and you are most welcome :)
Some profanity may help, LOL
Nicely presented. Nicely written and well nicely expressed

Posted 3 Years Ago

Nix is typing...

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much!!

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8 Reviews
Added on January 14, 2021
Last Updated on March 15, 2021


Nix is typing...
Nix is typing...

Athens, GA

Uh, what can I say? Hi! I'm Phoenix (Nix) 🔥 Most of my poems are in my books :) except for Phoenix Parker, that's a book I wrote last year. Most of my writing is poetry, I'm always o.. more..


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