It was raining...raining hard...
the raindrops falling heavily on my glass window...
i could'nt see the world outside...
everything was blurred beyond my window....
It felt like this rain has the same rhythm...
The rhythm of my hurt heart...
With the rain...all the emotions i had kept for my own...
Started flowing out...
but even then...everything around me was silent...
except the pouring showers....
i felt the eering silence around me...
surprisingly... it was soothing...
it was not the same killing silence...
it was not the same silence that questioned my existence...
today...suddenly i knew, i had a purpose...
the rain stopped...
the water drops started falling...
leaving long trails on the misty window...
the scenes outside are more clear now....
i could see the rain washed leaves, scattering the sunlight...
creating rainbows.....
i am seeing the world in this new light....
the feeling that i have now is new...
its strange...nd i'm happy...