Glas   Chapter 3 - Fighting

Glas Chapter 3 - Fighting

A Chapter by Ninjaboy+Icecream

The city of Glas falls below the surface of the Earth. Whose stories are involved and how do they lead up to such a catastrophe?


Chapter 3 �" Fighting



[6-29] June 29th, 1994  2:56 PM


            “I really don’t see why we have to wait for Takashi.”


            This impatient guy is Jim. He fights with his fists, something I can respect, but he always puts on gloves with metal knuckles beforehand. With us or not, he always seems to be getting into fights and has plenty of scars to show for it.


            “For something this big, we really can’t just go rushing in without the whole gang.”


            Aside from myself, Sarah is the usual voice of reason in the group. She cut her hair short and dropped out of high school just to prove how badass she was when our gang really started getting active. I don’t really understand it myself, because aside from that she’s always been real mature. I can’t say that she doesn’t use a weapon when she fights, because she always manages to pick up something to use from the area around her.


            “Well, what do you have to say in the matter, boss?”


            The biggest guy in the group, Martin, is the only one in our group that I’ve known since elementary school. I can’t recall exactly when it started, but it seems like he’s always called me boss. Even though Martin looks up to me, he commands a lot of respect himself, and as I made friends growing up they all took on Martin’s habit of calling me ‘boss’. His preferred weapon is a wooden baseball bat.


            “Yeah, yeah, of course the boss is going to say something like, ‘Let’s go and kick their asses right now!’”

            “Don’t make such stupid assumptions, Jim. You do remember that we’re all meeting together, right? Jeeze, I shouldn’t even have to say anything.”

            “Well, yeah, boss, I remember, at least now I do. But come on, I ran all the way here and I can still hardly stand still!”


            All of us, Jim, Sarah, Martin, Takashi, and myself, we make up the gang of Glas called ‘Justice’. We go around picking fights with those who we have deemed criminals of injustice. I suppose another part of it is just that we all really like to fight. Really, I suppose you could just call this my gang of friends; they’re all the people I’ve known to take to me growing up, and I can’t say I don’t like them myself.



[6-29] June 29th, 1994  3:00 PM


            Just as expected, Takashi always comes right on time.


            “Oh, he’s here! He’s finally here! Took you long enough, Takashi! Come on, let’s go bust some a*s!!” shouts Jim. It doesn’t surprise me at all that he doesn’t realize Takashi is right on time…


            Takashi is the smallest as well as the youngest of us, but he’s always confident and always doing his best. I met him just last year when he came into Boreo High School as a freshman. He took quickly to me, and I showed him around and helped him out during his first few days of school. It’s a shame though, I won’t be seeing him next year as I just graduated last year. I don’t know if I could say he’s a fighter, but he sure as hell knows how to block and disarm anyone who goes up against him. He’s apparently trained in several different martial arts, but I’ve still yet to see him actually hit a guy. Even with that, the thing that stands out most about him is that he’s never late and always knows the time.


            “Well, sorry to keep you waiting, Jim, I tried to get here on time.”

            “Don’t worry, you human clock, you’re right on time as always,” I say, “Now let’s get down to business.”


            And so we all took our seats at the meeting place, our headquarters. It’s not much, but it works; just a few tree stumps due East of the Southern highway coming into Glas. It’s surrounded pretty thickly by woods on all sides, so it’s private for the most part except for the far-off whirr of cars on the highway. We aren’t the ones who created the place though, Jim only found it on one of his many adventures, and after showing it to the rest of us we all decided it would be a perfect place for our headquarters. It truly is a nice base though; I thank whoever put all the effort into chopping down the trees to make the stump seats. Every time I look at the stumps I feel pretty lucky, in fact, for there are five of us and five stumps. I wonder what we’d do if our gang expanded?



[6-29] June 29th, 1994  3:10 PM


            “Well, I’m sure we’ll figure out something,” Takashi says confidently.


            Thinking of how to go up against a full-fledged gang is distressing for most of us. It even gets to me, and the only ones who seem unaffected are the confident Takashi and the overly excited Jim. I’m not at all worried about any fights, I’m just worried about everyone else like always. If there’s anything I’m truly afraid of, it’s losing these guys…


            “Right,” I say, “Justice is spontaneous anyways.”

            “Maybe… That’s the ‘cool’ thing to say, anyways, but we’ve given more thought to these things before, boss,” corrects Martin.

            “Yeah, I guess you’re right, Martin. Even still, there are times when you just have to charge in without a plan. This is going to have to be one of those times, because honestly, the plan is the action we’ve decided upon. It’s cut and dry, we’re going to go in and beat the answers we’re looking for out of them.”

            “Alright, I agree with you on that.”

            “Great, it’s settled then.”

            “We’ll crush them for sure!”

“Yeah, let’s do this!”


            In a burst of energy we all rush off out through the forest towards Glas with me in front, leading the way.



[6-29] June 29th, 1994  3:49 PM


            We reached the hideout of the ‘Bones’ a little later than expected. With such adrenaline running through the group, I had to tell everyone to walk rather than run to conserve energy.


            And so we are at the not-so-abandoned factory, the cradle of the ‘Bones’ gang. I had expected stupidity, but now seeing the singular grunt of a guard outside the abandoned factory, I felt we wouldn’t have much trouble in fighting here. Answers are what I’m more concerned about right now, though.


            Of course, I do like fighting…


            Adrenaline pumping through me…


            Running… Blazing like a fire…


            “Just who-,” as my fist slammed into his face. “Gah!”


            My shoes scrape the ground and bring up dust as the grunt’s body knocks open the double doors into the factory behind him. His body slams onto the concrete and the echoing noise catches the attention of what I assume to be the leader of ‘Bones’.


            Caught mid-sentence, the burly man stands from his chair in the far-back center.


            “Just who the hell are you!?”


            “I’m Boss Amadeus Tweed of Justice,” I say as my allies walk casually in behind me. “I’ve got some questions for you.”

© 2011 Ninjaboy+Icecream

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Added on July 14, 2011
Last Updated on July 14, 2011
Tags: fantasy, adventure, mystery