![]() DA 2. Oh My God!A Chapter by Effervescent Dreams![]() Terry and Sandra go through a series of emotional upheavals as their unexpected guest oscillates between life and death......![]() 2. Oh My God! “TERRY WAKE UP!” Sandra shook her husband, panic flooding her voice. “Alright, alright, what’s going on now?” He turned in bed, pulling her down with him. “Good morning darling, what a romantic way to wake up… after an enticing night, mmmm.. with my…..” “He’s DEAD! I told you! Oh God, what do we do now!” She struggled in his embrace, breaking in cold sweat. His eyes snapped open. “Who’s dead? It took him a few seconds to re-orient himself to the events of the previous day. Oh no, not HIM!” Diving out of bed, the sheets trailing behind him, he sprinted to the guest room. The door was ajar. There, sprawled on the floor, lay the old man - mouth agape, hands splayed out, eyes tightly shut! Even in his dishevelled, lifeless state, he looked regal. His white gleaming beard, , pearly teeth, pink lips and flawless skin gave him an almost serene dignity, despite death’s cold grip. Flopping down by his side, Terry grabbed his wrists, desperately searching for a pulse. The pounding was loud - too loud! Aw shucks, that was his own digital arteries!. For the first time in his short career, he couldn’t tell where his own heartbeat ended and the old man’s should have begun... but there was nothing! No breath from the nostrils. No rise of the chest. No sound of life. “Get the steth!” He yelled, just as Sandra thrust it into his hands. Pressing it against the old man’s chest, he listened intently for the familiar lub-dub. His ears met with silence! “Flashlight!” He called again. Sandra, quick as ever, handed it over. Terry checked the pupils - dilated and fixed! “Mr Omeeshella are you ok?...Mr Om!” He shook the old man by the shoulder. No response. Not even the slightest flicker. The face was calm, almost peaceful, as if he were in a deep, untroubled sleep. But Terry knew what he was seeing, no matter how much he wished to deny it. Even in death, the old man looked serene. “Oh my God!” he exclaimed, slumping further down, his head in his hands. Sandra knelt beside him, her mind racing. “Terry, take it easy. He didn’t look too well yesterday. I know you meant well and God knows that. It’s okay, I’m with you. Now, we need to consider the legalities. Whatever happens, we’ll face it together.. okay?” . “I’m not giving up like that? He flipped the old man flat on the floor. “Now for CPR…” “Oh Hello! Good morning dears!” Mr Omesshella’s twinkling eyes sparkled! Terry and Sandra shrieked in unison, jumping back. “You’re alive?”. Mr Omeeshella sat up yawning and stretching his arms. Either he didn’t hear their exclamations or chose to ignore them, as he gushed, “That was a wonderful sleep. Haven’t had one in a long time. Yawn!..I must say, this place is more than heaven!”. “We thought that you were.. err….too unwell…I mean, seriously..” It would be impolite to say that they took him for dead. So Terry signalled to Sandra to watch her words. “Oh no, not at all”. Not after the sumptuous dinner I had with you. I just remember laying my head on the downy pillow afterward. But, why do you both look so anxious? Relax children. Hey, I’m hungry again. What’s for breakfast?” With a slight stagger, Mr Omeeshella rose to his feet. Heaving a great sigh of relief, they helped him up and led him into the washroom. The fact that he declined to brush his teeth or bathe didn’t offend them in the least, despite his unkempt appearance. All they wanted was to get him off their hands as soon as possible. Back in the kitchen, Sandra prepared cheese sandwiches, while Terry made coffee, both of them not daring to breathe a word, lest the old man overhear. “Now Terry, what are you going to do with him”? Sandra whispered urgently, unable to hold back any longer. She still hadn’t gotten over the shock of the morning. “Just locate his relatives or friends and hand him over to them. I can’t survive another jolt like this. Not that I’ve anything against him. Poor abandoned soul, he seems such a dear. But Terry darling, we have to be practical. If anything goes wrong with him while he’s with us, they won’t spare us. Just remember that.” “Well, as I see, he looks fairly well. What he needs is a thorough check up " a complete physical examination, some blood tests, and scans so we can catch the root of his problem. Since I don’t have the facilities at my clinic, I might as well take him to the Earth Hospital.” “Gosh! That’s going to cost a lot, dear”. She blurted out, “Who’s going to foot the bills? Diagnostics can literally eat into our budget! And you know better than me about that. Why not take him to the government hospital? There might even be some concessions on expenditures. ” “Shhhh…. Speak softly. What if he hears? Hmm, true. Let’s see. At the moment, I feel he should go to a good hospital " one that’s well equipped. It would be embarrassing to take him through departments without proper specialists, diagnostic services or even supplies. And what if he suffers due to a lack of timely care?. No Sandra, let’s be fair to him. The rest, we’ll leave in God’s hands. ” “Yeah Terry. Do what you feel is right”, Sandra blushed at her apparent insensitivity, “at least until his next of kin or any friends arrive.” Terry truly had such a kind and selfless heart! “Thanks dear.” Terry heaved a sigh of relief. “I did have some reservations about going all the way to help him out. He felt almost like an unwelcome guest. But yes, I agree, we ought to do our best for him. At least till any of his folks show up …”. The two of them carried sandwiches and coffee to the table. Breakfast was a hurried affair for Terry and Sandra, though Mr Omeeshella took his time munching and savouring the cheese sandwiches with oohs and aahs at the homely taste. “C’mon children, have a sandwich. Its yummy as it should be in this cosy home of yours. Hey I’ve come to love this wonderful place, the food and most of all, the two of you. You are a lovely couple!”. He beamed at them, his eyes twinkling. The words of praise fell on deaf ears, as the two wolfed down the sandwiches, waiting with bated breath and pounding hearts to bundle him up and get him out as soon as they could. Terry kicked himself for making the foolish decision to bring the old man home. But how could he have known? Well, its time he stopped going overboard with his kindness. … Baah! He remembered to call Dr Ashok to brief him on the situation, letting him know he wouldn’t be able to make it to the clinic. “How do you feel now, sir?” was all Terry could manage to say, inwardly praying that the old man maintained his wellness until they reached the ER. “Don’t worry, son. I feel on top of the world. And stop fretting over me.” Mr. Omeeshella winked at him, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he sipped his coffee. “I’m done, so now off to your clinic, hmm?” he beamed “Grrrrrr…” was all Terry could mutter inwardly. “Sir, you need a thorough medical check up, and hence I’ll be taking you to the hospital instead of my clinic, which isn’t well equipped.” He and Sandra helped him into the car and settled him comfortably in the back, seat belt and all. “Darling, just make sure he’s placed in caring hands. He needs good care. And try to locate his family or friends. There should be someone around. Call me if you need help. Perhaps we could inform the police so they can help locate his kin. Oh I’m really worried about him.” Sandra rattled on effusively, listing what more they could do for the old man. The two of them were now grappling with conflicting thoughts - wanting to be protective on one hand while wishing to rid themselves of him on the other, all at the same time. Mr Omeeshella reclined in the back seat as Terry drove on. “Son, it was so kind of you to put up with me at your home - something that no one else would even think of doing. Sandra is such a dear. Bless you both. I felt like I was with family again after a long time…..” His voice trailed off. “That’s all right Sir. But, do you have someone I could contact, just in case you need help?”. “No son.” He appeared to wheeze slightly. “In fact, I have many near and dear ones, who seek me, only when they are in need. But once their needs are fulfilled, they are all gone…. Poof!”. Did he hear the old man stifle a sob? “Oh I’m sorry Sir, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings”. He felt a heavy lump form in his throat. His heart ached for the old man. Something about him resonated deeply. This man had certainly seen good times,… no, very good times and had perhaps lived a rich life. Now, suddenly, he seems to have fallen on hard times, abandoned by all his kin and left with no one to rely on. . Who could be so cruel toward a dignified and lovable person like him? And why? Well, old age had its own shortcomings… and with age related ailments, things could be harsher. Riding the wave of emotions that swept over him, Terry maintained a running commentary about health and healthy living for the benefit of his client, whose grunts in response gradually transformed into a sickly wheeze. The old man’s condition was indeed deteriorating. Gunning his Santro car straight ahead, he called the ER of the Earth Hospital. “God, please give me time. I really want to help this poor old man". He didn't realize how 47 minutes had lapsed. He sighed with relief as he drove through the gates of the Earth hospital. "We are here at last. ……… Mr Omeeshella? No response. He braked in front of the ER and turned around. Where was the old man? The seat was empty. He peered over his seat and found the old man slumped on the floor of the car. "Oh My God!" He pushed open the car door and rushed to the back.... *********** Continued…………… © 2024 Effervescent Dreams |
Added on May 15, 2014 Last Updated on October 3, 2024 Author![]() Effervescent DreamsKERALA, IndiaAboutHi! I'm fun loving and happy-go-lucky, with a humanitarian mindset and a Utopian dream for gender equality across the globe more..Writing