![]() Dreaming?A Stage Play by Colin![]() The idea of this is a boy who wants to travel, but he's an orphan in the great depression, and when a circus comes to town he jumps at the chance to leave.![]() [Spot light on Cainteoir
as he appears from behind the curtain. He stands in a shirt and old sweater
vest with a chapeau and begins to speak to the audience] Cainteoir Hello ladies and
gentlemen, my name is Cainteoir or Cain for short. I am a story teller for a
circus I joined several years ago. I’ve traveled the world and seen things the
average man never would even have chance
to see. I tell my stories from around the world, but today is the story of a
boy, well a young man really, who was out looking for a job, so he could move
out of the orphanage he lived in. His name is Sean. He is an adventurous lad
never afraid to speak out and very brave, although, sometimes this gets him in
trouble. The story begins with Sean out walking home from the city where and
his bike had just broke. [The sound of a metal chain breaking occurs
and Sean falls on the edge of the stage.] Sean Ugh. [stands] Great.
That it’ll be at least 10 dollars to get a new one. Maybe I can get Mr. Fult to
fix for me. [The sound of a
train whistle in the distance catches Sean’s attention. He continues to walk up
stage and says] Sean God, I wish I could
just get on one of those trains and leave. [Long Pause thinking about it and
continues] Well, maybe not… I mean, the sisters have done a lot for me, and all
my friends live here, but still seeing something beyond this small little town
and always looking out to that city [sighs] it’s really starting to bug me. [Fade out. Sean is
now in his small hometown with three buildings on SL and two buildings SR, with
a train station US. The orphanage, hardware store, and train station should
have a porch. Low lights as Sean walks in past the train station and towards
the orphanage which is the farthest DSR. A light is on in the Orphanage and on
hardware shop SLC. Sean enters from USR carrying his pushing and carrying the
broken chain.] Sean Oh, no the light’s
still on. [notices the light at Mr. Fult’s hardware store, crosses quietly to
his shop, and knocks. Mr. Fult walks out after a moment. He is covered in some
kind of dirt from working and his hair is seems to be standing up straight.] Mr. Fult Ah, Sean, what can I
do ya’ for? Sean Well, I broke my
bike on the way home and I was hoping you could fix it. Mr. Fult Well sure, let me
take a look at that. [examines the chain] Hmmm, well it seems it was shattered,
you’ll probably need a new one. Sean Yeah, and one more
thing if the Sisters ask why I’m late could you maybe tell them I was working
with you? [Sister Anne walks
out to turn off the light, but stops when she sees Sean And Mr. Fult] Mr. Fult [laughs] Yeah, sure
thing. Sister Anne Sean! Don’t you know
what time it is? Why aren’t at dinner now? Mr. Fult Oh, I’m sorry Anne,
I was just usin’ him as an extra hand around the shop. I’ve been tryin’ to fix
up that ole truck I got. Sister Anne Well, I guess I can
forgive that. Sean [to Mr. Fult] Thanks [Sean walks to the
Orphanage] Mr. Fult No, Thank you! [Sean waves and
walks inside] Sister Anne [looks back into the
Orphanage making sure Sean went to dinner] You’re a bad liar Mr. Fult. There
wasn’t a spec of grease on him. Mr. Fult Yeah well, he’s a
good kid. Sister Anne I suppose you’ve
been looking for a job for him. Mr. Fult © 2014 Colin |
Added on October 30, 2014 Last Updated on October 30, 2014 Author![]() ColinSt. Louis, MOAboutI'm a highschool student from St. Louis and I've been trying to stick to one story. I do theater and I Love movies. Look forward to reading, writing, and meeting people. more..Writing