Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths and Weaknesses

A Chapter by Nikko

For every five strengths a kitsune acquires they must choose one weakness.

           For every five strengths a kitsune acquires they must choose one weakness. Your kitsune self will know when to choose a strength and a weakness, which are all listed down below. A Ninetail doesn't have to choose weaknesses along with strengths. I recommend making your own copy of this list and keeping track of both. Just remember; you will usually gain your next tail before you choose even half of your strengths in one tail, but you can always go back to strengths from previous tails and choose them.

    Another Life: The ability to control your turning
    Mindworks: The ability to control your "fox mind" changing
    Psychic: The ability to sense others’ feelings

    Quenched: The ability not to lash out to the first essence you sense when in need of it

    Longevity: The ability to go longer without feeding off of an essence

    Bewitching: The ability to practice magics besides your own element, such as Ju-Fo or Akasic

    Strength in Weakness: The ability to draw strength from your element in times of need

    Element Meditation: The ability to specially meditate, after which your magical energy rises

    Concoction: The ability to form balls of foxfire that can be used for thrown weapons, lights, or playtoys

    Premature: The ability, if enough power and practice is put into it, to choose strengths from a few Tails in advance


    Measured: The ability not to drain as much essence while feeding

    Revival: The ability to revive an essence after feeding on it using sources of magic including your own

    20/20: The ability to feed off of an essence if the material is within your sight

    Nature’s Blessing: The ability to live through harsh weather without it targeting you, such as lowering the possibility of hit by lightning strikes or sometimes even narrowly missing a tornado’s path

    Healing Touch: The ability to have blood with slight healing properties. This can heal you and others faster than average if they come into contact with your blood

    Sixth Sense: The ability to talk to other species, whether they are plant or animal

    Blinding: The ability to completely blur someone’s vision for a few moments

    Kleptomania: The ability to steal most small items without being caught

    Photographic Memory: The ability to perfectly remember any significant event, such as a huge party or wedding, and be able to play it back like a video

    Future Glimpse: The ability to see a few seconds into the future at times when something important is about to happen

    Recognition: The ability to recognize whether or not someone is a kitsune
    Metacognition: The ability to think like a fox, being very tricky and witty, plus knowing the natural part of the area where you live better than ever

    Mind’s Eye: The ability to predict moments of important future events

    Respiration: The ability to hold your breath longer than average

    Watching You: The ability to detect nearby entities, kitsune or not, and know or have the ability to figure out who they are if you already know them

    Deep Slumber: The ability to “hibernate” and gain energy quickly, shield yourself from a small amount of harm, or heal faster than average

    Clueless: The ability to hide clues of your true form when in another, such as fox ears, a fox tail, and a fox shadow

    Cripple: The ability to stunt an enemy’s attack as long as your power can overcome the attack on its own

    Sheathed: The ability to have claws which you can retract while in your human form

    Shinigami Eyes: The ability sense the death of a person or animal that you know without knowing who it is


    Horizon: The ability to shapeshift if the element material is within your sight

    Charm-maker: The ability to create magical talismans that give the wearer small benefits, such as being appreciated by others or having an increased sense of logic

    Impassive: The ability to be less overcome by strong emotions

    Exchange of Health: The ability to heal anyone’s wound, besides death, whether it is physical or mental. However, afterwards, you gain the wound yourself

    Revelation: The ability to know if someone is lying or if they are telling the truth

    Chances: The ability to decrease the probability of a certain event happening

    Librarian’s Monocle: The ability to skim through small amounts of writing with your eyes and obtain all the information

    Last Breath: The ability to use someone’s dying moments, including your own to completely protect you or another person as long as you are in contact with the dying person until they die

    Toxic Sense: The ability to detect any unidentified poison in food or water

    Weightlifting: The ability to have enhanced strength, such as being able to lift loads 1 ½ - 2 times greater than average humans

    Turning: The ability to begin the turning for non-kitsune whether they want it or not

    Sustenance: The ability to preserve objects such as plants or wood and put them into a frozen state

    Restoration: The ability to regenerate small parts of your body, such as hands or pieces of your skin

    Dream Visitor: The ability to enter and manipulate others’ dreams to a certain extent

    Remedy: The ability to somewhat manipulate health, such as healing someone from a simple virus like a cold or the flu, plus having a healing effect on internal organs and bones

    Attacker’s Echo: The ability to create dense balls of mana and, if in battle, absorb some of your enemy’s attack and reflect it back at them

    Power Thief: The ability to steal another person’s ability as long as it is not as powerful or more powerful than your own

    Copycat: The ability to replicate any action you have ever seen as long as your body is capable of it

    Foreboding: The ability to somewhat predict the events that will take place in the next few seconds, especially in battle

    Reobtainment: The ability to bring a small object back to your if you lose it

    Absolute Sight: The ability to see waves radiating from objects, nonliving or living, which can tell you what the object is feeling or about its past

    A Strong Wind: The ability to cause small objects to hover

    Invincible: The ability to fight others of medium strength without  gaining any serious injuries

    Swift Endurance: The ability to travel very quickly and lose little stamina

    Moonshine: The ability to draw strength from the full moon and nearly become as powerful as a Ninetail when in the light of one

    Subliminal: The ability to manipulate the unconscious mind, bringing back memories and thoughts from the back of others’ heads

    Outline: The ability to draw small objects, such as bananas or cardinals, and have them become reality

    Inari’s Blessing: The ability to raise all forms of physical, magical and mental defense powers as much and as long as your power can uphold it

    Defenseless: The ability to send a mental wave into another’s mind, blocking all of their thoughts and making them very vulnerable

    Radar: The ability to know where any unidentified person or item is as long as it is within one kilometer of you

    Taking Charge: The ability to control the actions of non-kitsune or weak ones using mind control

    From The Depths: The ability to summon objects or animals relating to your element

    Haven: The ability to create a forcefield around you that protects you from all enemies unless they are equally strong or stronger than you

    Fading: The ability to turn invisible or camouflage

    Depletion: The ability to draw from others’ strengths, making them weaker and you stronger in a certain field

    Remorseful: The ability to curse objects or people, possibly severely weakening or even killing them if the hate and anger put into the curse is strong enough

    Celestial: The ability to gain a form made of stellar energy whenever you are at the peak of your strength

    Health Perception: The ability to detect foreign matters such as viruses, diseases, and narcotics in another’s body, including your own, and heal them to a certain extent

    Wishful Thinking: The ability to give yourself and any other person one wish, as long as it is not beyond your powers

    Phantom Flight: The ability to create a wing apparition and be able to fly for as long as your power can uphold it, usually no longer than a few minutes

    Elemental: The ability to practice other elements to a basic degree

    Curing: The ability to make willing kitsune human

    Telepathy: The ability to send other kitsune messages through your mind no matter the distance between you

    Power of Magic: The ability to surround oneself with the 13 elements; this is mainly the manipulation of energy and the elements

    Countermanding: The ability to negate anything’s existence, whether it be a living organism, an inanimate object, or a small power, besides other kitsune

    Skywalking: The ability to walk on air, treating it like a solid matter and giving you a greater maneuverability in your environment for a limited amount of time

    Dissipation: The ability to disintegrate inanimate objects and even small living organisms, such as rodents, dogs, and plants

    Interpretation: The ability to read a book during a battle and strongly enhance all of your weapons and fighting techniques

    Binding: The ability to rob someone of their movement for 10 minutes. During this time, they cannot be killed, but they can be severely damaged and killed afterwards

    Helios: The ability to send a ray out of your body and put everyone within a 15-yard radius into a deep sleep which they will only awake from after 5 hours unless they are equally powerful or more powerful than you


    Death Wish: The ability to command a target to kill someone, including themselves, using mind control

    Safety: The ability of keeping your soul from being drained unless it is by the Oni

    Baneless: The ability to never get poisoned unless it is a special, very powerful concoction made by the Oni

    Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate objects, living or nonliving, of any size to do anything

    Ethereality: The ability to manipulate the spacetime continuum, which can create dimensions, create copies of yourself in them, form black, white, and wormholes, plus travel through spacetime and enhance your attack techniques. Spacetime manipulation is basically the power of the universe

    Prudence: The ability to feed off of the secrets of the universe, quenching one’s thirst and giving oneself extraordinary knowledge

    Cheating Death: The ability to bring someone back from the dead if they have just died

    Self-Destruct: The ability to destroy armies and extremely strong enemies in a suicide attack

    Anyplace, Anytime: The ability to teleport into any place or any time, such as heaven, hell, or even inside a person’s body

    Omnipresence: The ability to be everywhere at the same time

    Symbiotic: The weakness to only be able to survive in or near your element
    Uncontrollable: The weakness to not be able to control your anger, which can lead to murder if the anger is strong enough
    Aromantic: The weakness of only seeming attractive to other kitsune

    Fraternal: The weakness to not be able to cast strong, if any, magic on another kitsune

    Ravenous: The weakness that if very hungry, you will completely drain an essence, leaving nothing but wasteland

    Choose Wisely: The weakness of having to choose another weakness for every three strengths

    Slow-Minded: The weakness of having less reflexive tendencies than other foxes

    Carnivorous: The weakness of feeling nauseated and possibly throwing up

if you eat more plants than meat in a day

    Restless: The weakness of only being able to sleep in a room resembling a burrow

    Funeral: The weakness of knowing when a fox dies, making you incredibly sad a lot of the time

    Tender: The weakness of being very sensitive to heat and cold

    Essenceless: The weakness of not being able to become a fox unless you are near an essence

    Old Habits: The weakness of needing to eat regular food and water to survive as well as feeding off of essences

    Daemonophobia: The weakness of having an ongoing fear of the Oni

    Attention to Detail: The weakness of having to focus more than usual to disguise your ears and tail

    Broken: The weakness of experiencing grief, anger, envy, and other negative emotions twice as strong as usual

    Feckless: The weakness of feeling especially useless, sometimes to the point of depression, when in the presence of a kitsune with more Tails than you

    Detrimental: The weakness of feeling mental and physical pain if your element is harmed or destroyed in any way

    Backstabber: The weakness of losing the respect or even the friendship of others if they are told you are a kitsune

    Depraved: The weakness of feeling guilty if you take more than a slight feeding from an essence, harming it

If you do not want to choose another strength or weakness, you can strengthen one instead. However, you can only strengthen a strength or weakness once, and you can never change a choice that you have made, so choose wisely.

© 2017 Nikko

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Added on June 13, 2017
Last Updated on June 20, 2017



Greetings. I am an experienced kitsune that would like to share my knowledge with all other kitsune (or potential kitsune) around the world. I have this account simply for writing my "13 Elements" se.. more..

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