When Rayne Falls
A Book by RaynesMelody
A young girl, Lewis, is witness to a murder. Hunted by both society and the mysterious Cherubin, she meets a young boy who goes by the name of Rayne. Together they must find the answers from within.
© 2010 RaynesMelody
Author's Note
This is my first story. I would love it if as many people as possible could read it and give me thier oppinions. If anything needs tweaked I would appreciate the advice. I will do my best to update it as much as possible.
Added on September 17, 2010
Last Updated on September 17, 2010
Tags: deceit, murder, truth, lies
RaynesMelodyUnited Kingdom
"If it were not for hopes, the heart would break."
I'm not one for spoken words...
but when written, or sung...
I can never seem to shut up. more..