![]() And only that.A Poem by NikolasArnn the darkest of nights in my chambers I sat. In my company, a dead man, and a hideous black rat, and only that. I poured two last cups of wine, one in the dead man's cup, and one in mine. His cup was full and never emptied, he was dead, but never buried. His flesh was rotten, his name forgotten by everyone but me. So there in my chambers I sat, companied with a dead man and a rat. It was then in my sorrow a hash, deathly voice was heard It's a chilling touch more intense, word by word The voice was of the hideous rat, it came sneaking upon my gaze Not squeaking like a rat should do, but speaking in the tongue of man. My sorrow, now became fear, my tears replaced by heavy breath The rat told me that my time had come, he was here for me, he was death The silence held my chamber, my heartbeat was all I could hear I was not suprised, that my end was here, that my time was done For in my drunken rage, some nights before, I laid to rest my only son To understand my deed, or ask for reason was pointless, for I had none. I asked death if I would see him, would I get to ask forgivness? His name was written on heaven's list All my hopes for salvation was dismissed My soul will forever be trapped in the devil's fiery fist My eyes closed, my soul went with death As it left I went to sleep, and took my final breath. There in my chambers I sat, in the company of death, and only that.
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