I'm Happy For YouA Poem by Aurora .I.Sigh.
More then the shinning stars adore the round moon
More then the salty ocean and it's beautiful tune More then the pure snow and it's following winter More then elaborate stories and excited whispers More then the birds that sing in the morning More then the books that keep me yearning More then all the words I've ever written As you can see, I am quite smitten I love him more then he'll ever know More then I'll ever get the chance to show But I'll stand aside, look him square in the eye Fake a smile, and tell the half lie "I'm happy for you" I'm sorry it's only half true As your best friend, I should be there for you And I will, till the very end But I can't say it didn't hurt That selfish thoughts don't lurk That I didn't cry a time or two That I hadn't lied and choose to hide from you But don't you worry! I'm smiling you see! Even if behind my eyes, I'm hiding certain misery It'll take some time But this is the way it should be Just promise that she'll be better then me That she'll say good-morning everyday That she'll ask about your dreams (Though you don't remember them either way) That after school, she'll ask about your day Not accepting 'It was okay' That she'll know exactly when something is wrong That she'll bug you about it until you scream For her to shut up but you sigh with defeat That she'll treasure every single word you say Lock it up inside and throw the key away That she'll listen to you when you rant That she'll coax you down and say everything will turn out just fine That she'll make you laugh That she'll make you smile And notice all the small things that are worth while Like the way you never sleep in past 8 Like the way your crooked smile never shows teeth Like the way you're stubborn as f**k Like the way you're such an akward klutz Like the way you say 'Um' before speaking Like the way you tie your hair before composing Like the way your eyes light up sometimes And you get to see some of the fiery passion inside The way you procrastinate and are kind of lazy The way you act kind of loopy when your head feels hazy Like the way you put yourself down And are like rolling a boulder up a steep hill Just a few of the silly little things, there's so much more If she notices these and loves them truly I deem her worthy of you Of the person I've given all my secrets to Of the person who's always been true Of the person I used to go to whenever tears struck me Of the person I ran to whenever I was lonely Of the person who's been there through the happy and the sad Of the first person I've ever told about my step dad I can only give you my everything So with me on the side, spread your wings I'll watch you fly And I'll keep on saying "I'm happy for you" Until my feeling die And I can say with pride "I give up on you" © 2012 Aurora .I.Author's Note