![]() The Sixth of May, Year 2012A Poem by Nicole![]() I wrote this in my journal after a little over a year of not writing. Normally, I just write, but I wanted to try something else. This is me, recanting the major parts of my first year of college.![]()
What a
year this year has been. They say your first year of college makes you grow up. When I think of that phrase I picture a balloon floating up. Hang on, my cat wants out... Anyway - I picture the balloon and I picture a plant literally growing upwards. This year was interesting I learned a lot about History Math Spanish Liberal Studies (Let's be honest, nothing about) Economics Psychology. I learned How to ride a bus. How to locate 8 f*****g classrooms out of a thousand (if not more). I learned that Nothing good comes from PROCRASTINATION. False, I knew all about that. I chose to ignore. I learned that the idea of command strips leaving no D A M A G E behind is complete bullshit. Sincerely, complete and utter bullshit! I learned more that I can remember to write down. I learned a lot about me and the person I would like to become. I figured out a major. I think. One, at least, I can say I am E X C I T E D about. I learned how to get off without my roommate hearing me. (No Shame) (No Regrets) I learned about being a friend. (To contradictory statements, I didn't say I perfected anything.) And I experienced let downs from people who I thought were my friends. When I wrote everything off on the idea of college friendships I met two of the most awesome people I have ever met. And I am so happy to consider them my friends. I strengthened friendships. We found comfort in each others confusion as to why we weren't like everyone else through late night Skype. After years of saying we would do it my oldest and dearest friend and I finally went into a sex toy store. Where we laughed and figured out What we wanted to buy to get off. I moved out of my dorm and came "home" Although, home doesn't feel so much like home these days. It will get better. I got drunk for the first time. It was nothing to get overly excited about. I did it as responsibly as one could while being underage. I even told my mom that I was going to do it. She tried to hide her nervousness at the idea. She wouldn't have been able to stop me. I couldn't fall asleep after I had consumed 6 shots of some fancy liquor my friend insisted we drink. That s**t was expensive. When I went to go s r i a t s p u I was so dizzy. It was hard getting to the top. But really, in life. When is it easy getting up stairs? When I moved back home, I traded bed rooms with my eldest, younger brother. I like the basement. It's small, though. It's a new beginning This year could fill this entire journal. But I think I'll stop. Here.
© 2012 NicoleAuthor's Note
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