I’m Hurt
A Poem by Nicole_the_poet
Never Again ~ Nice Meeting You 
How ?
Why ?
Who ?
Who Not you
The man I trust
betrayed my trust
I was play like an fool
I was an fool loving you
I’m hurt
That I trust you
It won’t stop
Please why
I Gave you my all
For little but i just can’t
How ?
Why ?
Who ?
Not you
But i just found out it was you
So I’m through
That pain that’s left still hurts
and i just can’t
So I live ….
You meant so much to me that I just let go and i fell in love with the pain so you wasted
my time thanks hope you know
The hurt depression is real
Like candy
But it’s crazy because I don’t eat candy
But I really let us go because
I want to live
That little meant so much for an reason
Really ?
How ?
Why ?
Who ?
To be continued
I just ….
~ Nicolethepoet
© 2024 Nicole_the_poet
Author's Note
Thanks For Reading ✨
• I love pink i have been writing since I was 12 years old.
So, they didn't teach writing skills in first grade in your school? 😆
Seriously, my point? The thing you missed is that we all learn the same writing skills in school. And while grammar, punctuation, and such is universal to all kinds of writing. The approach we learn, that of talking TO the reader is useful only for nonfiction.
Our school-day writing skills are meant to ready us for employment, and the kind of nonfiction writing they need. Professionsional skills, like those of poetry and fiction, are very different in approach. Instead of telling, as you do here, they show the reader the situation by making them live it.
Here, you, someone unknown to the reader, are complaining to someone never identified, for having done things unspecified. So it's not that the reader doesn't care, it's that you give them no reason to care.
You're talking about the effect of an unspecified cause. Meaningful to you, of course, because you have the backstory, but for the reader? You've give them no reason to care.
Nonfiction, the kind of writing we're taught in school, tells the reader that the character cries. But poetry, written with the skills that have been developed over so many years, gives the READER a reason to weep. It moves them emotionally.
And that matters because people come to poetry to be entertained. They want to be made to care and feel, not say, "Uh-huh...I see." But, given the "Dismal Damsel" approach, what else can they say?
My point is that instead of talking about how you feel, make the reader feel that way. Yes, you've been writing poetry and more since you were twelve. But, have you spent any time learning what makes poetry work, and the tricks the pros use as they write? Just as we had to learn to write meaningful reports, as our teachers prepared us for employment, we need to dig into the skills of poetry that they've been refining for centuries.
You'd not try to write a lawyer's interrogatory without knowing the skills of that profession. Right? Well, the poet has a body of knowledge and writing tricks just as large, though very different, that makes it work. And since you want to write poetry, learning those skills will be more an adventure than a chore.
So, give it a try. You'll be amazed at the number of times you'll be made to say, "Wow...that makes sense. So why didn't I see something that obvious, myself? And your readers will thank you.
Try this: Mary Oliver's, A Poetry Handbook, is filled with gems and surprises. She'll show you how to best move the reader, emotionally. And, you can read or download it from the site below.
So try a chapter or two. It might not help, but like the proverbial chicken soup for a cold, it sure can't hurt.
Jay Greenstein
Articles: https://jaygreenstein.wordpress.com/category/the-craft-of-writing/the-grumpy-old-writing-coach/
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@jaygreenstein3334
“Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader. Not the fact that it’s raining, but the feeling of being rained upon.”
~ E. L. Doctorow
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
~ Mark Twain
Posted 6 Months Ago
0 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Review
Added on September 1, 2024
Last Updated on September 1, 2024
Nicole_the_poet Detroit, MI
I love pink i have been writing since I was 12 years old more..