The Liar with the Wolf

The Liar with the Wolf

A Poem by Nicole Renee

Free verse poem.


Act I

Come sit, come sit!

This story is not to waste,

And there is so little time

In this world that we breathe on

And this world that we walk on!

So go take a seat around.

The thrill of this is just the beginning.


You know of the story of the boy

That would always cry wolf? No?

Aha! I am here to tell the tale.
I’m from that village, and I lived

Two doors down, always hearing

The boy going about his day like

Every other little boy and girl in town.  

But this boy was different from all those

Little boys and girls who went on about their day.

Yeees, he spoke of tales that were sugar coated

To rile up attention, which seemed to catch

The ears and minds of all that was around him.


  Act II.

So one day, he was walking about in the woods,
All lonesome and cut off from the village

And in his own foolish fantasies about

Sword fighting with dragons while riding on horses,

Saving the damsel in distress in a castle in the beyond.

Well, there were tracks. Tracks that lead into the forest.


Instantly, the gears in his mind went about and about,

His feet running to tell the adult villagers of his findings of a wolf.

They got their pitch forks and ran around on the

Path the boy was on…but found nothing in return.

So the next day, the boy did the same thing,
Crying in a sliver of fear that there was a wolf.
Again, the villagers plundered the path and found nothing in return.

For two days straight, the boy cried and cried,

The whole town of villages blowing smoke out of their noses
From the silly nonsense that the boy was cooking up.

Act III.

Well, on this final day, the boy went to

Go for wood in the depths of the forest.

He walked and walked until he came

Face to face with the heart of the beast,

The animal’s ears perking up to the boy’s footsteps.

Scurrying over to the beloved town,

The boy screamed with terror, and shouted,”


But hearing this sad, sore tale again, nobody believed him.

I sadly was one these people that went sore when I heard this,

Not knowing that when that boy tripped on a tree root,
His fate was unknowing to him, yet already knowing to the hunter.

Ah, ah, Rupert! Please don’t spoil the ending! I’m not done yet.

I’m sorry for the dear interruption, my good listeners.

….What, you think you know the ending already, Abigail?

Come whisper it to my ear…


Act IV.

Uh-huh… uh-huh…

Oh bother, you’ve broke the ending.
Well, it’s quite alright; I won’t go into too much details.

But hear this, my good fellows and children.

Don’t cry wolf or you’ll be a good hungry meal.


Even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed.

The liar will lie once, twice, and then perish when he tells the truth.


Good day and good night.

© 2009 Nicole Renee

Author's Note

Nicole Renee
I'm a little rusty at free verse, so I'm trying out this free verse before I enter anything into a contest. Lol. Basically the Boy Who Cried Wolf story from another point of view, you could say. :P

...Sorry for the length. XD

"Even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed.
The liar will lie once, twice, and then perish when he tells the truth."

I got that from

My Review

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What a wonderful take on the boy who cried wolf. You are of course right, the tale has a wonderful moral, lies will only cut it so much before people begin to just let them wash over them without taking heed. A great job you did with this and I love the way you put it into different acts. Brilliant!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

That's a very good poem. I love the way it's told, as if it's a story almost- but it's amazing work :P

- Steely

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 20, 2009


Nicole Renee
Nicole Renee

Anoka, MN

I usually write poetry and short stories, yet I always come up with good ideas for novels. I did have a long biography on here,but when Charlie deleted everybody's work off of here on Friday the 13th,.. more..

10 Days. 10 Days.

A Chapter by Nicole Renee