Letting Go and Falling Down

Letting Go and Falling Down

A Poem by Nicole Renee

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I took a chance and left you standing

For your own good, thinking

That it was the only chance to give to you

Letting you fix up those mistakes from the past.
But I knew that it was a mistake in the first place,

My heart telling me that I should of

Helped you along the road to repair

Your feelings in this epic battle of pain...

Yet I took my bets and let your try to grow

Your own beating wings, making you fail in the process

Because I wasn’t standing by your side

To save you when you fell out of the sky

With those broken wings of yours….


© 2008 Nicole Renee

Author's Note

Nicole Renee
Credit: Wasting My Time by Default (and the first line for the poem..that's from their song...) <3

Ignore the line breakage and how rusty my writing is. Lol. XD It's been a while and wanted to see if I still had that 'touch' or not.... so did I didn't I? ^_^

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i like it but it does need a bit of work weeding out the words that don't need to be there, look at it closely you will understand.

Posted 16 Years Ago

wow! excellently penned

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 30, 2008
Last Updated on July 1, 2008


Nicole Renee
Nicole Renee

Anoka, MN

I usually write poetry and short stories, yet I always come up with good ideas for novels. I did have a long biography on here,but when Charlie deleted everybody's work off of here on Friday the 13th,.. more..

10 Days. 10 Days.

A Chapter by Nicole Renee

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