To Myself

To Myself

A Poem by Nicole Renee


Am I pretty?

Am I what I can be?
Am I denying my feelings?

Should I change myself at all?

Do I need to fix who I am?
Will he want to be my friend?
Is this another joke to

Make myself feel better?

Or is this just a pattern of

Thoughts going through my head,

Ripping me apart each time

I stare at myself in the mirror

© 2008 Nicole Renee

Author's Note

Nicole Renee
These are just some questions that are going through my head...the sixth and third linea are just recent questions to myself...

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eight out of tweleve lines ends with a question mark. Some say that you should not question yourself, but others say that the questions only maks you better. Nice write. ~KA~

Posted 16 Years Ago

yes they are thoughts and you know what?? at some point we all have had them... very nice work..

Posted 16 Years Ago

Well, I think the thought process was caught just by the way it wasn't a neat, cut and dry piece, and I don't think many people think cut and dry, I think we elaborate in our minds. It took me a second, but I did decide I like the cut off because it feels as if you're afraid to continue battering yourself...but maybe, add one more line, a repeat of one of the first few, to represent that circle of frustration?
I feel your pain, though. Been there, done that, as we all have, and I hope you eventually find some peace of mind.

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is a fine write.
All of us go through these questions and most of us realize that it is wrong to judge oneself through the eyes of another.

You are pretty to yourself.
And if you work hard, you will give your chance to become what you want to become.

It is important to be able to face oneself in the mirror everyday. If we can do that, other people's opinions are not important anymore.

This piece took me back to doubts and insecurities I've had to fight because I lacked confidence and around me were a few people who wanted me to believe that I was good-for-nothing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 11, 2008


Nicole Renee
Nicole Renee

Anoka, MN

I usually write poetry and short stories, yet I always come up with good ideas for novels. I did have a long biography on here,but when Charlie deleted everybody's work off of here on Friday the 13th,.. more..

10 Days. 10 Days.

A Chapter by Nicole Renee

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