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An Unbelievable Push

An Unbelievable Push

A Poem by Nicole Renee




Did that just happen?

Or was it all just a dream;

Not believing that I had the courage

In my heart to chase you around

Until I gave you my gift;

The gift of friendship that I wouldn’t of

Asked for if I was with you before
In the room of confrontation and faking,

The fun of that thrilling me as I took upon the stage.

It was just something simple, yet so unforgettable,

I adored the feeling that was wrapped around me

Before I left to go to my chariot on wheels;

I thank you for being so kind to me…

I hope that we can really be friends.

© 2008 Nicole Renee

Author's Note

Nicole Renee
So yeah, you know that poem Nervous Talk? Well, I did it...I took my courage and gave him a flower (a fake one,but nevertheless, a flower). I wanted to cry because this was his last play (I actually did cry after my friend walked of my house,though..)..and he gave me a hug. :D :D I then asked him if he wanted to be friends and he was like sure! Lol...yeah, I hope that I didn't annoy you by just saying what I said in this authors note..but it helps me explain to you what I need to explain. That's all.

Credit: Thank you Ollie-Bob (a nick name of a my friends that I gave to her) for actually pushing me towards the guy...I would have stayed glued to the ground or hid because I was so nervous. :D
-Killa by Cherish ft. Young Joc

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Added on May 9, 2008


Nicole Renee
Nicole Renee

Anoka, MN

I usually write poetry and short stories, yet I always come up with good ideas for novels. I did have a long biography on here,but when Charlie deleted everybody's work off of here on Friday the 13th,.. more..

10 Days. 10 Days.

A Chapter by Nicole Renee