![]() Chapter FiveA Chapter by NicoleSakura awoke that morning with a start. She shook her head violently and tried to steady her breathing. Last night had been fun, and had mostly kept her mind busy, but as soon as she drifted off to sleep all of her worries came flooding back. Her dreams had been filled with Jordan, and they weren't good ones. There was Jordan lying passed out on the bathroom floor from drinking too much. Jordan and Kristen slow dancing, Jordan and Kristen hard-core frenching. There had even been one where Jordan awoke on the cottage floor, not knowing how he got there, and having the worst hang-over ever. He was groaning and pulling onto the sheets that covred him on the floor. Worst of all, no one heard him or went to help him because they were all hung-over and passed out too. The dream killed Sakura, because there was such a look of agony on Jordan's face; she was sure she must have cried in her sleep.
She finally steadied herself, though, telling hersef she was just over-worrying. After all, he promised me he would be careful and come back in one piece and safe...She thought to herself. She stretched and looked over the edge of the bed. That's when she noticed hers, Chi's and Crystal's knapsacks at the foot of the bed with a note attached. The note read "Girls, didn't want to wake you or Jake up, figured you had a long night. Your parents and us wanted to have a day out, and we all knew you had homework, so we brought your bags here so you can work on it. Since it's the long weekend, if you finish the majority of your homework today, you can have a sleepover for the rest of the weekend. - Maria." Maria was Crystal's mom. That sounded like so much fun to Sakura. She'd love to have a sleepover with these girls the rest of the weekend, it would deffinately keep her mind off of Jordan. Her heart gave another violent jerk at the thought of his name. She placed her hands over her chest, her right one still throbbing. It still hadn't healed very well, although the cuts crusted over. She shook her head and went over to the bed, jumping on the other 2 girls. "Guys wake up! Look!" "Whaaaat?" They groaned, and Sakura shoved the note in their faces. "No way!" They screamed at the same time. "Can you girls keep it down in here." Jake walked into Crystal's room, and instinctively we all threw a pillow at him. "Hey!" He shouted, trying to block the pillows although he was still groggy. "We just got exciting news, leave us alone sleepy head!" Crystal stuck out her tongue at her brother. "What news?" He asked, walking over to the bed. She flashed the note in his face, and he tore it from her grip. He read it over quickly, "It's already 11:00am, you should get a move on with your homework then." He smirked, and left the room. "Come on, let's finish it so we can have a sleepover all weekend!" Chi shouted. The three of them went downstairs for breakfeast, and Jake joined them. They spent until three in the afternoon working on their homework. It was especially hard for Sakura, because everyone found homework boring, so it wasn't exactly keeping her mind busy. Her thoughts kept drifting back to Jordan, everytime she looked at the clock she wondered what he would be doing at this time. Eventually, though, she finished all of it, along with Chi and Crystal, and then they heard Jake call from the kitchen, "Girls!" he shouted. "Yea?!" We all shouted back at him together. "What do you want for lunch? I'll make it for you guys." "That's a first," Crystal whispered to us, but there was a twinkle in her eye. "What are you up to?" Sakura asked her suspiciously. "Nothing." She tried to look innocent. Sakura figured something must have been up, she racked her brains for something Crystal could have done...She vaguely remembered Crystal leaving the room for a few minutes, while they were doing homework. But what could she have done in just a few minutes? She said to herself, Then again, it only took her a few minutes to plan the sleepover thing...Something with her brother, though...how does that work? She condraticed her thoughts over and over, but they were interrupted by Chi, "Come on Sakura, what do you want for lunch? Jake is waiting." "I don't know, what are you guys having?" "We were thinking hot dogs or something." "That sounds good." Sakura agreed. "JAKE! MAKE HOT DOGS PLEASE!" Crystal screamed to her brother. "Alright!" He called. "You guys want to clean up now? Then go down, I mean hot dogs don't take very long to make." Crystal suggested. The other girls nodded their agreement, and they cleaned up all their schoolwork. "I'm so glad we finished it all, I can't even believe we did, though." Chi exlaimed as the girls made their way to the kitchen. The first thing Sakura saw when she walked into the kitchen was a perfectly set table, and Jake at the stove, cooking the hot dogs. "What would you girls like to drink?" He asked without turning around. "Coke!" Chi and Crystal said at the same time, and then burst out laughing. "Sakura?" He addressed her. "Uhm...ginger ale." "Alright." The girls sat down at the table, and within a few minutes Jake came and plopped himself down next to Sakura, placing the hot dogs in the middle of the table, as well as the drinks. "So, Sakura..." Jake said after everyone had eaten a little bit in silence. "Hmm?" She looked up from her plate. She had been thinking about Jordan again. Gosh what is wrong with me? She thought to herself. "Uhm...Crystal says there's this guy, Jordan or something? That's hurting your feelings and all, can you tell me what happened? Maybe I can help..." Why were they bringing up Jordan? I thought the point of this weekend was to help me forget about him? Sakura thought to herself. Sakura's thoughts must have been plain on her face because Crystal said, "Sakura, we've been trying to help you not think about him this weekend, but we noticed that you still get randomly distracted. So we thought maybe, since my brother is a boy," She smiled smugly here, "Maybe he could help you a little bit, and maybe talking about it just a little would help." Crystal was alwas able to read Sakura better than anyone else, and vice versa. Sakura sighed. Should she trust Jake? Well, he is Crystal's brother, and Crystal cares so much...She took another deep breath and decided she would tell him. So Sakura explained every detail she could remember from the point where Jordan treated her extremely well, to now, and tried to explain her feelings, too. When she was finally done, she picked up another hot dog, which was quite cold by now, and ate it slowly, waiting for Jake's response to her story. "Well, that's certainly a mouthful." He commented. Sakura just nodded. "Actually, he doesn't seem like a normal guy to me, I don't know what's wrong with him. But here's something that might help, guys tend to say one thing and do another, to mess with your mind." "But why?" Sakura cut in. That made no sense to her. Jake just shrugged, "I don't really now, never really did it much myself. Anyways, I think he's confused himself, he doesn't know what he wants, so he acts different all of the time. He probably doesn't even realize that he's confusing you. If you ask me, he's not worth it, unless he can figure out what he wants. You shouldn't let one guy hurt you so much, I know it's hard but...just try and act normal around him. If it gets worse, sit him down and talk to him about it, alone. But, you won't be able to understand what he wants and how he feels until he can." What Jake was saying made sense. Sakura had briefly thought about that before too, but didn't really know what to think of it. "I guess your right." Sakura sighed. Jake hugged her. Instantly she felt better, affection always helped her. "Thanks." She mumbled. "Anytime." He said as he pulled back. "Anyways, what time are the parents coming home?" Chi inquired. Jake shrugged, "I guess around dinner time." "So let's p-a-r-t-y party!" Crystal's eyes twilinked. "Dancing?" Sakura asked with a small smile. "But of course," Crystal danced her way to the counter with her plate and glass. "Alright!" Sakura exclaimed. I love dancing, so this should be great. Plus, what Jake said did help. I guess I'll find out more of what Jordan thinks on Tuesday anyways. She knew she still wouldn't be able to forget about him entirely, and he'd always pop back into her mind and tug painfully at her heart, but she wanted to have a few hours of hard-core, super-fun dancing without thinking about him. It's time to let loose a little...She thought as Crystal put on awesome dance music and they all went wild. © 2008 Nicole |
1 Review Added on September 9, 2008 Author![]() NicoleCanadaAbouti love writing and reading i really love jonas brothers (and joe jonas with my life!!) uhm twilight, hp, sisterhood series are some of my favs i also love empress of the world and so many books that i.. more..Writing