One thing I will certainly say is that someone has to look into the darkness and find the light side. While true it is very dark I am still able to find the light. I am not a very experienced story teller and I have little room for criticizing work but I thought this was an excellent piece of work. Carry on your work and I shall read.
I had nearly forgotten all about my account here. Thank you for the encouragement. I will try to upd.. read moreI had nearly forgotten all about my account here. Thank you for the encouragement. I will try to update more.
4 Years Ago
Do not rush yourself my friend. Some of the greatest works took time. I will support you regardless.
One thing I will certainly say is that someone has to look into the darkness and find the light side. While true it is very dark I am still able to find the light. I am not a very experienced story teller and I have little room for criticizing work but I thought this was an excellent piece of work. Carry on your work and I shall read.
I had nearly forgotten all about my account here. Thank you for the encouragement. I will try to upd.. read moreI had nearly forgotten all about my account here. Thank you for the encouragement. I will try to update more.
4 Years Ago
Do not rush yourself my friend. Some of the greatest works took time. I will support you regardless.
My new pen name is Nico Marie. I'm 25 now in 2022. This used to be where I vented 9 or 10 years ago as Jekyll 'n Hyde so most of it is extremely cringy. Probably all of it if I'm being honest. I'll mo.. more..