with the eyes of a child - avec les yeux d�un enfant.

with the eyes of a child - avec les yeux d�un enfant.

A Poem by Nico

a poem about seeing this world and relationships through the eyes of a child


with the eyes of a child - avec les yeux d’un enfant.



the world during a full day
of tranquillity looks like
a big circus seen from
the eyes of a child
and that’s how I perceive you
with a similar intensity
and with a face
lighted with curiosity


and I remember a magical
Christmas when I received a
present that I didn’t want
to open and that’s exactly
how I perceive you, with a
similar astonishment - I’ve
widely opened my outlook of you.


you know that I don’t talk much
but my eyes and my look
express things that no single
voice can explain...
if you understand, you know me
and you’ll find me feeling better
in my endless solitudes
when I want to hide a
little bit and to relax and be by myself.


I felt hair of gold every morning
and inside myself I heard a
thunder never heard before
that’s how I perceive you
with  similar poetry,
with that naivety that
I still at times possess.


you know that I don’t talk much
at most I can listen if you want
and express the words that match
my moments of silence...
if I understand, I know you
and I’ll be able to find you
when I reappear out of my
deep solitudes for a moment,
for that precious liberated moment.


if you understand me, you know
me already and you’ll find me
clearly in my endless solitudes,
but understand when I want to hide a little bit
to relax...to dream.... to protect myself...from this world.


                                  French Version


le monde vu avec
les yeux d’un enfant
est un grand cirque
dans un jour plein de sérénité
et c’est ainsi que je te
regarde avec cette même
intensité et avec le visage
ardent de curiosité.


et je me souviens un Noël magique
le nouveau jeu que je ne
voulais presque pas toucher
et c’est ainsi que je te vois
et avec la même merveille
j’ai entrebaillé mon
regard sur toi...


moi, tu le sais, je ne parle
pas beaucoup mais mes yeux,
mon visage disent les choses
qu’aucune voix peut expliquer...
si tu comprends, tu me connais
et tu pourras me trouver mieux
dans mes solitudes infinies
si je veux me cacher un peu...
me détendre...


cheveux d’or passait chaque matin
et j’avais en moi un tonnerre
jamais entendu avant
et c’est ainsi que je te sens
avec cette poésie identique
avec cette ingénuité
qui est encore un peu la mienne...


moi, tu le sais, je ne parle pas
beaucoup moi au plus, si tu veux,
je t’écoute, dis-moi les paroles qui
avec mes silences vont d’accord...
si je comprends, je te connais
et je saurai te trouver quand
je réapparais de mes solitudes
profondes pour un instant...
un instant...


si tu me comprends, tu me connais
déjà et tu pourras me trouver
mieux dans mes solitudes infinies
si je veux me cacher un peu...
me détendre... me protéger....de cet monde.



Nico S. Poetry.


© 2008 Nico

Author's Note

I don't really follow any rules when writing my poetry.

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This is a beautiful poem! We should always try to preserve the child in us, with all the natural enthusiasme.
I can so well relate to it. Yes the kind of people we are tend to often escape to their own surreal world. Yes we need that as much as we need food, but this is difficult to understand to those of an other kind.

Work well written. Nicely thought provoking. Thumb up!

Ce po�me est magnifique. On devrait tous du moins essay� de pr�server l'enfant en nous, avec tout l'enthusiasme naturel. Je peux facilement ref�rer � ce d'en vous parlez. Les gens de notre nature tendent toujours � s'�vader dans leur propre monde irr�el. Oui nous avons besoin de �a comme nous avons besoin d'aliments, mais cel� est difficile � comprendre pour ceux d'une autre 'esp�ce'.

Bon travail! Ca incite � r�fl�chir sur ce sujet! Bravo!

Posted 16 Years Ago

5 of 5 people found this review constructive.


This was really nice... loved the imagery. Thanks for sending it to me.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey Nico.

Thanks for the invite.

You start out with the 'eyes of a child' but never great back to it (personally, I find the idealized view of how children see the world disrespectful and naive, but that's besides the point).

It's a good poem.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

As you shouldn't! Always dance to your own music! This is beautiful, I really loved it! Take care~~~

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

La conversation peut par moments �tre hautement surestim�e. Les p�n�trations du caract�re ici - et comment il voit la vie et l'amour sont plus qu'ad�quates. Si c'est un caract�re �crivent ou vrai pour la vie �crite � quelqu'un vous aimez ... qu'il est simplement et tout � fait �crit. De nouveau, cent marguerites.

(Conversation at times can be highly overrated. The insights of the character here - and how he sees life and love are more than adequate. Whether this is a character write or true to life written to someone you love...it is simply and perfectly written. Again, one hundred daisies.)

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

astounding. Vivid imagery.
"if you understand me, you know
me already and you'll find me
clearly in my endless solitudes,
but understand when I want to hide a little bit
to relax...to dream.... to protect myself...from this world" we all sometimes need to hie away and refresh ourselves, make sure we haven't lost ourselves in this abrasive world. Truly beautiful.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

No, in the world of poetry, there's no rule, except to prose it along with the well-expression, so you wrote it just about right, no worries

Anyway, the way you've spoken about the child within yourself, you wrote it really nice and smooth, so it's all still good...

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

the inner child!
Interesting and encapsulated so beautifully... well done

All the best,
Tamer Qtaish

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

We'd all benefit from sitting in this perspective now and again...
It would sure keep us in check !

Well done ...I like
dont know a bit of French


Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Great job...powerful emotions in every pen stroke...

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

such a beautiful heartfelt poem You don't need to worry about following rules...just write. That is your gift.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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27 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on March 17, 2008



Montreal, Canada

49 year-old italian male who's been writing for a long time, took a long break from writing and it's only in the past year and a half that I have rediscovered my passion for writing again.....I love r.. more..

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