

A Poem by Nickzilla617

Being a kid who grew up on cold war movies, i made a poem about what nuclear war means to me. Even though i was born 3 years after it's end, i can still emotionally feel the terror of atomic war.

Shadows, that’s all that’s left now
Dreary dark stains on concrete of a now desolate world
In the background we can hear people screaming
There words are so fuzzy and distant, 
 It has no meaning
It’s what I’ve been dreaming
With horrible nightmares and great flashes of light
Now all I can wish for is one clean conscious and one guilt free night
The great flashes only lasted seconds but it seemed like an eternity
There were so many, just so many bodies lined up to get into shelters
I remembered seeing what came after. 
I remember seeing the world; like glass it shattered
There’s nothing here now, 
not a soul not  a whisper. It’s an empty desert devoid of life
Rain comes here, not very often.
 I feel clean when it does, as if the souls lost on that momentous day
Were crying with my for every way
My house was mansion but now it’s mere toothpicks, rusted and burnt
My heart beats, but barely
It aches so hellishly bad,
As if a thousand needles punctured it with each pump. 
All I can do now is wait, 
For what or who I cannot say
All I can do now is sit here and waste
In this dark dreary world of shadows

© 2012 Nickzilla617

Author's Note

Writing this piece, i remembered all the things i loved about the cold war era. Some of the best films came out then. Ah well, remember to like favorite, and comment!

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Added on August 10, 2012
Last Updated on August 10, 2012
Tags: War, nuclear, death, gothic, emo, Hellish, devestating, sad, gloomy, dark, hot, shadows, shadow, doom, apocalypse, atomic, atomic bomb, atomic explosion, detonation, soviets, cold war, america, american, communism



Otsego, MI 49078, MI

My name is Nicholas Cole blauvelt and creativity is my game. I'll write everything from zombies, space, and fantasy to romance, horror, and westerns. I have several on going series and i will be worki.. more..
