The Egg

The Egg

A Poem by Astro

A philosophy to help alleviate feelings of depression through visualization.

If you're depressed, try and imagine that you are an egg.

This is because if we look at an eggs characteristics we find that:

1. An egg shows great strength when forces come at it head on.

2. When subjected to immense heat it adapts by solidifying.

3. Even if its shell does break....

inside there is always potential.

© 2013 Astro

Author's Note

I'm sure I could find more great 'eggs'amples too and I may add to this one day but for now, I think the point is clear.

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The idea is clearly expressed.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks Squinks.
Very creative :) And very true.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I found this comparison, to work for me and many others when trying to tackle depression one day at .. read more
Found this comforting and inspiring. I like you're style. YOu are bettering mankind one poem at a time

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I'd like to think so, thank you for the compliment it means a lot.
Interesting analogy. Humans can be so strong and yet so fragile at the same time, much like an egg. I think you could actually drop the second line and jump right into your egg-zamples. Food for thought. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you Seth, when I had originally wrote this piece I didn't have that line in it, I just chose t.. read more
Astro what a welcomed thought process you have. I love it and you are so right. I love eggs but have never thought of them in this manner; if I could relate to myself-
1. I am the egg: for years I have taken things head on. Show resilience and put everyone before me.
2. When I am subjected to pressure I close up-solidify which I might add is not always a healthy option but more of a protective mechanism.
3. After a life lived with such bad memories I have chosen my path well. I have given myself and still have potential inside. I know this and work on this every day.

Such a great metaphorical outlook and I'm so glad that you shared this one Astro:)


Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

You are most welcome and your personal comparison is exactly how I meant it to be understood. I'm gl.. read more
Troy Henson

11 Years Ago

Indeed my friend:)
an exotic example . you made me think of an egg from a different perspective :)

like it and by thinking about it it may be will help me to feel more optimistic about life
nice job

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you Aseel, I hope it does.
That's really clever. I do suffer from bouts of depression and I the more I think about it, this is an amazing way to look at it. I feel encouraged after reading this, Astro. Thanks for the encouragement and a fun read. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

You're welcome Riley, I'm glad to have written something that has already shown to have a positive e.. read more

11 Years Ago

Ha, I think it would change people's outlook on life "eggsponentially"if they saw things this way. (.. read more

11 Years Ago

This poem made me really happy :D teehee

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I am happy to have brought about some sunshine in your life. Thank you very much.
such an awesome theory, actually made me smile, definitely trying this.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you Sam, and please do let me know if it helped. If you're smiling already you're half way th.. read more

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9 Reviews
Added on July 14, 2013
Last Updated on July 14, 2013
Tags: Egg, Depression, Philosophy, Poetry



Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

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