This Place

This Place

A Poem by Nic

The tale of a walled city


This Place 
There’s a wall blocking this place from the outside world
A wall almost impenetrable
And only few are permitted entrance

This place is hard to get to, as it been moved so far away
So far away from it’s hometown that it’s closed up itself
One cannot function alone
There’d be a time when they’d reach their limit
It is only then that the lone gate shall open
When assistance is needed
Then this place casts out whoever does not belong
Including the assistance

Once it was an abundant place
Once it was a paradise
Under the sun and the blue sky
With luscious greens all over
There was a time those walls never existed
Except that time has long since passed

The question is…
 Will that time ever return again?

© 2013 Nic

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Added on January 10, 2013
Last Updated on January 10, 2013



Richmond, BC, Canada

So who is the Nic? Well, I have been writing ever-since 10 years old and i don't plan to stop. I do plan to be someday a great author! Right now my biggest project is this webcomic i am working .. more..

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A Poem by Nic