Too much!!
A Poem by
Help others, but also help you. Because if you are unhealthy you are unable to help others, so Help others and yourself by First helping yourself.
Funny huh? It is like they matter more
More than you
More than I
Without hesitating
Without thinking about it
Forgetting how we feel
How we are doing
We offer our hands
Tries to help
And in the process
Hurt ourselves
Thinking that we are benefiting from it
Growing from it
Not seeing the pain
We continue.
Until one day
We see the impact
I laugh it off
Move on with life
Because I know
That I will do the same thing again
As for you
You walk away
As that is all that I can say
Because we are two different people
Wanting to help people in Any ways
Funny huh?
© 2021 NhanHoang
Author's Note
Real thing between me and my friend and she just motivated me to write this poem and yeah, it seems like this is a real thing between us lol
I love how you express this point in a straightforward no-nonsense way that's easy to understand and it's convincing (((HUGS)))
Posted 3 Years Ago
You are so correct. One must too too and be aware of their own health bother physically and mentally. Being selfless can also lead one to care more for others then for themselves. To have a balance in life is a healthy thing. Thank you for sharing your wise poem.
Posted 3 Years Ago
You are so correct. One must too too and be aware of their own health bother physically and mentally. Being selfless can also lead one to care more for others then for themselves. To have a balance in life is a healthy thing. Thank you for sharing your wise poem.
3 Years Ago
and thank you for your comment, and yeah, balance is key to successful and healthy life
2 Reviews
Added on September 17, 2021
Last Updated on September 17, 2021
I am a poet, a singer, a songwriter, and I also have faith in God, I haven't posted any songs out yet but I will do it soon.
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