A Story by Elexus
A sort piece of writing exploring a characters feelings for life. It's a few years old, but I still like it. 
sat watching the fading sunset descend behind the horizon, watched as the blood
red and citrus rays seemed to sink in the ocean and melt into a thousand tiny
ripples of cool blue. A gentle breeze was picking up with the onset of night
and it felt refreshing. She capped her wings about herself, closing her eyes
and breathed deep the scent of the wind, savoring the calm moment, the rush of
the surf crashing and rebounding off the cliff.
Through her
memory raced all the things that had happened, all the lives she had lived.
Time had seen fit to toss her about like a ship lost at sea, but always she had
found her way home. More accurately she had always found herself. Even when
darkness itself had claimed her life and dashed her against the wind.
A soft hum rose
from her throat, no particular tune, just the comforting vibration of her
voice, soothing the dark tides that also raced through her mind’s eye. She
realized now, that life was like the ocean she was so fond of. Forever
changing, sometimes calm and soothing other times angry and lost in a storm of
violence, but always moving, never staying the same. And wasn't that why she so
loved the ocean? For it's dancing beauty and potentially awesome force?
When her eyes
opened night greeted them, a velvety black cover sprinkled with diamond dust.
Not a cloud hung in the sky and so bright was the moon she could see clearly
the entire landscape. The gentle breeze had picked up again, rustling her long
tresses of black cherry hair. With a gentle toss of her head she flung her hair
behind her dove soft shoulders and sprang into the breeze, unfurling her
wings. Gently and
lazily she soared down from the cliff, landing in soft white sand, the moon to
her back, the breeze in her face.
With a smile the
humming turned to a song, her voice carried by the wind and mingled with the
cresting of the waves. She stood, her wings flared, but not in fright or fight,
only for the pure joy of feeling the wind brush over them, as if she were still
soaring while she stood on the beach. Slowly ever so slowly she lowered and
closed them about herself, relishing the feel of the soft misting kiss of the
ocean. Here, here was where she belonged, to the night under a full moon of
pearl glow, with the beach under foot and the sounds of waves surging in her
© 2011 Elexus
Hmmm. There is a lot of lovely and well described imagery running through this piece. I really enjoyed the line about, "black cherry hair..." First, because I've never seen hair described that way, and second, nice, I pictured it easily. If this is a finished short story, it is very short on plot and character development, but the setting is spot on. The second paragraph I believe you mean, though, not through (rhymes with threw). Overall good job, but I think there is more of a story here that is yet to be revealed to the readers.
Posted 14 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on January 26, 2011
Last Updated on January 26, 2011
I'm a spastic, cat like geek who loves to read and write, with many interests. Pool, going to the movies, photography, and drawing are just a few.
My main writing focus is usually supernatural or f.. more..