Foreign Languages are the Best Medicine

Foreign Languages are the Best Medicine

A Chapter by NewYorkNights

Ellis gets himself patched up by his scientist doctor friend, and they learn more about each other in the hours afterwards.

I don't remember when I dozed off. But when I awoke, my shirt was drenched in sweat, and I could feel dried blood matting my hair.
"Ellis?" I asked, pushing my companion's shoulder. The full moon outside cast an eerie light into the shack, and with that light, I could faintly see a dark liquid covering his legs and the dirty mattress. "F**k!" I hissed under my breath, shaking Ellis. He didn't respond, and this raised all sorts of red flags. I pulled my hand back and smacked him across the face. "Damn it, if you're dead," I mumbled, letting my words trail off. Relief came to me in the form of Ellis moving his arm, a half-assed attempt to push me away. "Ellis whatever the hell your last name is, get your a*s up!"
The man in question moved his head, then slowly raised up onto his elbows. "Come on," he grumbled, "I'm trying to sleep."
"Okay. Okay, that's just fine. Keep sleeping. Bleed to death, see if I care. Less work for me."
"Wait, wait, what the f**k?"
"Exactly, now get up." I helped him sit up all the way and he rested his head on my shoulder. He stared down at his legs and chuckled.
"I'm bleeding, and damn, Arcade, you are really warm."
"And you're freezing." I tore apart a shirt Ellis had on him and begun tying the make-shift bandage around his legs. "You just had to go down there and protect Rex, didn't you?" I asked, but didn't exactly want an answer. Ellis must have been able to tell, because he didn't reply. I bandaged him in silence, stopping the bloodflow nicely if I do say so myself. "You should be fine. I think. I hope."
"No wonder you're not a doctor."
"Yes, well, ad idem."
"Excuse me?"
"Of the same mind."
Ellis curled up on the dingy mattress and sighed, mumbling something about how cold this 'Goddamn desert' is. I was shivering a little myself. It was a cold night. I moved so my hip was touching Ellis' boot, and he nudged me a little with it.
"What's up?"
"What, Ellis?"
"Arcade Gannon."
"What!" I snapped, looking back at him. Ellis sighed as if he were dreaming.
"I just like saying your name. It rolls off the tongue. It's very beautiful."
"Oh. Thank you, I suppose. Speaking of names, do you have a last name?"
"Yeah, I have one of those. Von Krause."
"Wow, exotic."
"It's German, an old pre-war European country."
"Are you German?"
"Yeah. My mother was from where Germany used to be. She moved before she had me. I used to be able to speak German, I grew up speaking it. But's a pretty dead language now I presume."
"Ah. May I...hear some?"
"Only if I can hear some Latin."
I launched into my favourite language, and Ellis sighed contently. He turned over and sat up, leaning against my arm. I kept talking, and turned to look at him. He was a little paler than usual, I could account that to the bloodloss. I couldn't see any of his face, like always. His damn goggles and bandana covered it up. Before I knew what I was doing, my brain and tongue started working on their own. I'm pretty sure I said something along the lines of wanting to be viciously fucked by him, but I'm not sure I want to take the time to remember exactly. There was also something about ripping his bandana in half, along with his clothes, but nevermind about that. Before I went too far, he interrupted me.
"Hey, Arcade. How do you say you're beautiful?"
I paused, moved my legs a little, and said, "Pulchra es."
"Latin is beautiful. It's a shame it has to be associated with the boys in the Legion."
"Well, at least someone shares my sentiment."
"I'm freezing, Arcade."
I reached over and touched the bare skin of his arm. He wasn't exaggerating in the least. His skin made me shiver, and I was already cold enough.
"Let's lie down."
I laid back first, shedding my jacket for a substitute blanket. Ellis went after me, planting himself firmly against my chest and oh god, he was cold.
"Dear lord, you're freezing."
"I know," he mumbled, his voice already laced with fatigue.
"I could...put my arm around you for body heat. Or, or something."
I heard him chuckle lightly. "Getting frisky with a sick man, Arcade? That's cold."
"That...was a horrible pun."
"I know." He pulled my arm over his waist, and I did my best to lean into him, even going so far as to snuggle my head into his shoulder. Then it hit me: dear lord, were we...cuddling? Was I enjoying this? Since when did I start pining after Ellis? Shrugging off the thought, knowing I'd come back to it at a later date, I closed my eyes and opted for sleep.

© 2011 NewYorkNights

Author's Note

Uh ignore the shitty Latin. Unless this story becomes really popular or something I think google translate will do for now.

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1 Review
Added on October 10, 2011
Last Updated on October 10, 2011




Iunno. Arianna. Old enough to drink in France. I like people sometimes. I like to do stuff and things. I have no idea what this nonsense is called. Expect lots of gay. more..
