Curtains Calling

Curtains Calling

A Poem by Neville

no need to be gentle .. no none at all .. but your mark or a stain would put a smile on the face of an old fool ..


Curtains Calling

I can almost see the ocean

from her bedroom window

the wind is blowing a gale

and the curtains are dancing ..

I am here only because

of my love for beauty

and my eyes are drawn again

to those dancing curtains ..

This morning, they appear

even more beautiful

than the lady busy showering

after last night’s exertions ..

I have another ladies number

I keep for emergencies

she is more a friend these days

and does not believe in curtains ..


© 2024 Neville

Author's Note

this is the last scribble in my next anthology .. and should be in print from around July or August if anyone is interested .. it is called The Making of A Broken Man .. monies raised this time will be split between brain tumour and breast cancer charities .. mental health shall have to wait a while .. I shall be away for some time from now .. but be sure, I will return any reviews etc upon my eventual return .. In the meantime, I wish you all Peace, Love and All Good Things, Neville 🤍

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This made me laugh. He's a connoisseur, truly. And if the curtains seem prettier than the lady showering, then so be it. He knows his subject LOL. Laughed loudest at the 4rth verse.

Will your book be available on Amazon? If yes, I'll look forward to it. Just let me know where I can get it.

Take care, my friend. Enjoy your break. Keep smiling.

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

Your love of beauty is certainly beautiful. As is your love of cheeky. Hurry back my friend.

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 21, 2024
Last Updated on June 21, 2024



Gone West folks....., United Kingdom

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