

A Poem by Neville



Just look

How quickly they have forgotten you

One day

No doubt they will forget me too


In the meantime  

Having done our own little bit

To help

All those distressed and disturbed


We must remember

Neither you ..

Nor I are Kennedy’s, a Gandhi or Mandela

No .. not even a Cohen, Shelley or a Keats


And whilst

There may be those who argue ..

Neither are we Hitler, Manson or Bin Laden

We might just as well be sinners, you and me


Ha .. she say’s

In no time at all we shall each be forgotten,

Like a broken and discarded cup

Yet priceless …


Just as those

Several sheets of crumpled paper

Containing scribbled and disjointed words

Now overflow onto the hearth, are worthless …




© 2020 Neville

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We poets are amongst the pinnacle of the futile my friend... yet we cant stand it we have to keep scrawling some sort of short circuit in our brains I think:/ at least those crumpled bits of paper will make for good fertilizer perhaps:) now take your nib tablets and get back to your indite (by the way your napoleon cap is crooked good sir)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Except you of course Robert .. your a real bunny .. and I am always prompt with me prompts :.. read more
Robert Trakofler

4 Years Ago

wll truth be told the bunny is in charge I am just his vessel

4 Years Ago

................. sound.... at least I hope so :)


Ordinary people - no Neville! We all have our moment.. Wearethatinsignificantdropofrainthatcomesfromtheheavenstomergewiththeimmeasurableoceanbutwhoseripplesmayhave immeasurable consequences
Or perhaps not!
Very thot provoking Mr poet!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Wow Mr. Alan my friend .. rarely has a little drop felt quite so refreshing .. Nastrave :)
I think the Almighty gives us all reasonable time to do our bit of good to this world. Maybe not a Kennedy, a Gandhi or Mandela but we can still do worthwhile before its time to depart. I think its more about personal satisfaction and about doing whatever we can and even if we are not remembered later by the world. Everyone cannot be great but at least we can leave with satisfaction that we did something good. Thank you.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

I can't argue with that ... thank you Sabrina M :)

4 Years Ago

You made a great point with this poem about every humans existential crisis. So thank you for that.

4 Years Ago

It is I that should thank you and so I do my friend and truly :)
dearest Neville... Eagles will gather together
on a Cliff and spread their wings and will never be forgotten... it is written in the Wind and heard in sighs of birds on Wing In Colors only Angels can paint. gently, Pat

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Years Ago

The wind has a lot to answer for dear Pat .. whisper soft or they will all catch our secrets.. read more
The word "priceless" jumped out at me after reading of doing our "bit" - - the helpless and the disturbed would agree that the things carers did can never be useless or forgotten if love was the reason for giving.............. a fine verse on which to ponder my friend.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thanking you again dear Fay... sorry for what might seem like a delay ... dodgy internet and.. read more
Fay Slimm

4 Years Ago

Good Sunday morn to you with dodgy internet mi amigo - - have a great restful break and come back f.. read more
Broken and discarded cup
Yet priceless …

Broken things can be very special and invaluable, dear Neville. As our bones go to dust, we all hope that some crumpled pages of ours are tucked away as priceless too. How I loved this poem!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dhara_Ditzy Kat

4 Years Ago

It was mine greatest pleasure today to read this poem.

4 Years Ago

........... absolutely priceless :)
Dhara_Ditzy Kat

4 Years Ago

I think of all the unhappy people that are famous and disguise themselves to go the the store, and as I set on my back deck I envy them not a thing, come pull up a chair and I'll pour you a cup of coffee. :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thank you Cherrie, I am with you there .. and if you make it strong and black I'm on my way .. read more
To me, it's not about being remembered.
To me, it's about making your mark on the hearts you meet along the way..
For me my purpose, I believe, is to give people encouragement to seek the light even if you are lost in the darkness.
" Never loose hope- if you do darlin' you loose everything."
- ms Potts.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Years Ago

Where would we all be without hope eh' ... Lost is the simple answer ... Many thanks for che.. read more
Laconic Meraki

4 Years Ago

Thank you for writing such amazing art, with deep meaning.

4 Years Ago

you are indeed most kind .. and he thanks you for it truly ..
I think whoever it may be, that everyone be remembered for something when we die. Weather it be for something good or something bad at least you are remembered. The one(of maybe a few) memory I hope I am remembered for, is when I was in high school and was a week before I left for basic training, I went to play with my travel softball team...and blew my knee out...and my chances of joining the Marines. Now I will never have the chance to join but I have the memories lol.. Very nice write thank you!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

... Thank you for the visit & for sharing .. that injury must have been devastating .. hope .. read more

4 Years Ago

haha Yes I did thank you..I become a firefighter an eventually married one lol

4 Years Ago

.............. Cool :)
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He came, he saw, played conkers, and never really grew up...that's me summed up. I should try writing poetry, pen/paper, just to see how much waste I can generate.
Good morning Neville, hope you are well.
Enjoyed the visit :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Greetings from the wild west my friend, tis always good to see you Gee .. we are fine.. Hope.. read more

4 Years Ago

All is well in sunny MK, cheers
Well, that's the way of all flesh, N. Our lives are that dash between two dates on a gravestone. On the other hand, that dash may be part of something greater. By the way, who was Cohen?

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

You clever so and so you .. thanks for that JtB .. but fancy you not knowen Cohen :)
.. read more
John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Ah, I forgot about Leonard!

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17 Reviews
Added on September 5, 2020
Last Updated on September 5, 2020



Gone West folks....., United Kingdom

Sometimes my imagination get's the better of me and then the pen takes over .. more..


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