we would like to be remembered like a beautiful rose, or a neatly manicured lawn of a life...
but if our memory fades so fast like dandelion in the wind...
we can hope to find our own glory somehow...and at least have lived, whether we are remembered or not.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
thank you for visiting these words and sharing your thoughts here jacob... N.
Thing about dandelions, they re.appear and feed the bumble bees then, they in turn, in a circle of life, feed every part of us. And, that is what a poem like yours does, Neville
This is more than finely laid and creates so many visuals.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
thank you for taking a peek emmajoy, tis very much appreciated too.
Precious indeed Nev - - like a breath of foreverness for a moment in time - -experiencing life and love on this glorious planet - - with fleetingly heard whispers methinks of better to come - -- there is much to ponder in your winsome words after reading this beautiful verse again.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
thank you ever so much dear Fay... far too kind tho.. so ya are :)
Love the dandelion imagery, this was a sweet one neville, made me feel all squishy. You have an eye for romance and the reality that is time and loves lesson. When ever you bring out the velvet gloves, i know something good is going to happen....Loved this!
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
bless ya sir... hardly anything gives me greater pleasure than a big bloke coming over all squishy a.. read morebless ya sir... hardly anything gives me greater pleasure than a big bloke coming over all squishy after reading about me dandelions and stuff :)
If we, us and everything is but the pause between a tick and tock, it still doesn't make the pleasure, pain and indifferent any less real to us, stuck here between a tick and tock.
Can't wait for the next tock though, it's taking forever. I hope in the next moment I am a penguin, this human lark, working, paying bills, taxes, is just not working out for me. I would much rather fly underwater 😀
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Penguins it is then brother.... cheers and smiles all round sir...... :)
a bit of grace has entered your pen as you placed it in a delightful presentation for my pondering pleasure dear Nev! This is great I love it every line this has to be one of my favorites from you good sir its hard to be sure for you are one of the most prolific poetry writers I have ever known, but the Zen of you is shining a lovely shade in this write:) you may have caught hint that i am very fond of this concept your conjuring
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
I am well and truly honoured Robert my friend.... thank you and true... N :)
In the overall picture of things we are just moments and fleeting with it. You capture that well here Neville. You capture life here speeded up and then left us lingering in the slow motion of individual memories. Very nicely penned.