Clearly not singing from the same page, sexually compatible, but mentally divorced springs to mind
Could it ever work, yes on a superficial level, NEVER on the deepest level. One loves deeply, the other doesn't. Mind you there's probably many who can amble along like that. You pick your own poison, I did that once.
You could write a book about these lines you know. There's a lot of meat not showing on the bones of this poem. It's also a sad read.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
you have just written the forward.. now there's only one direction to go innit....cheers for contemp.. read moreyou have just written the forward.. now there's only one direction to go innit....cheers for contemplating these words Chris and ever so... N
I've come back for a second read to get my Neville fix while you are away. This is a fabulous poem. .. read moreI've come back for a second read to get my Neville fix while you are away. This is a fabulous poem. It says so much. On par with Bride of the Hedgerows which is utterly lovely.
Neville, I was getting ready to log off when I saw your poem and wanted to comment.
You express what I call the "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" relationship. Women don't always feel as men do and vice versa. You've expressed this fact nicely in your poem, yet I don't know if this is from the heart or a dramatization.
This particular poem exemplifies your love vs. her feelings. What Christine has replied is exactly the truth, at least as I see it too.
You appear to be the type of man who falls deeply, but by exposing your heart, you suffer greatly when a relationship doesn't work out completely.
A great poem that forces the reader to contemplate relationships. Thanks for posting. :-)
it makes me think of the old 'Jack Spratt' child poem I knew growing up but tangled up in much deeper emotions than sharing a dinner plate. And between the two instead of clearing off the plate together to food remains there, cold. Just the imagery that came to me after reading this. Thanks for sharing these aspects of yourself.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
thank you for taking time to consider these scribbles.. tis truly appreciated, I can tell ya... Nevi.. read morethank you for taking time to consider these scribbles.. tis truly appreciated, I can tell ya... Neville
Always beware of too many words not supported by enough action. It happens when we’re “just not that into them.” (There’s a bestseller on it) Words are just words and letters just letters. We as writers can and do sometimes get carried away with them but have dithered when the time came for realising them, taking the next step. Once or twice in life, I’ve been guilty of this too. Maybe a crazy writer’s quirk. I bow my head and accept the brickbats.
This poem is a masterpiece from you, N. kudos! 🤗
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Hey Divya my friend, thanks for the tip... and well.. I shall keep it in mind... All Good Things... .. read moreHey Divya my friend, thanks for the tip... and well.. I shall keep it in mind... All Good Things... N :)
This is so intriguing, I like this write. Nicely expressed
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
What can an old English guy do or say other than to express his sincere thanks for your most encoura.. read moreWhat can an old English guy do or say other than to express his sincere thanks for your most encouraging remark ... N :)
Some are lost for words, on others, words are lost. The art of communication is now being governed by the dexterity of the thumbs, so is proper lack of communication becoming less of a prerequisite of "passion"..?
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
bloomin texts and mobiles.. dont get me going on them sir Norm.....cheers sir...N :)
That makes a dangerous couple and even more so if separated ;P Words do have that power to seem like they're meant than actually meaning anything.
This had me thinking though of how often we encounter people like these...Interesting write.
I think this is the new essence of romance. A missing bond. Willingness to share one's inner heart is just not there.
You revealed the heart of a woman pretending and no words no matter how softly spoken can hide that.
Beautiful and penned in truth.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
You are very kind Cherrie... thank you so much...:)