

A Poem by Neville

Close your eyes, then think of a colour. If it aint there, it aint autumn...




As stuck as I am here



As I am upon this

My own

Personal autumn


It has taken me

Till now to


Whilst I do not have

The perfect body and

Far from perfect teeth


I have never been

A liar

Nor have I ever been

A thief

So take me as you find me

Or leave me…  

Free as a wind blown leaf...


There now…

You do so have me

Stuck as I am here


Mourning summer

Contemplating winter

Anticipating spring and

Oh' so very envious of fall...





© 2018 Neville

Author's Note

If you can still see the back of your hand, through the falling leaves.. it aint yet autumn... N

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"take me as you find me, or leave me free as a wind blown leaf"
ah yes, like that so much...

and yes, at our age...we are done pleasing others---we live as we see's our autumn.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

I do indeed believe it is jacob... many than you's my friend......... N
If you can smell apples wherever you go, it's autumn.
I never thought about it, but I guess you do have 'fall' there. This is, after all, 'New" England, so it stands to reason.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Then tis autumn old and new
stands to reason, tis the season whoopy doopy doopy doo............ read more

6 Years Ago

Ooooh! Poetry happens!

6 Years Ago

happen it does...
These words say far me to me about the poet than the seasons. Autumn brings the onset of decay. That happens to us. In our autumn years, our outer appearance loses some of its youthful vibrance, but the inner us can remain unchanged by the passing years. In many ways we improve with age like a fine wine.

So take me now as you find me
or leave me...
free as a wind blown leaf

Very poetic lines, with a message

Mourning summer, contemplating winter, anticipating spring, BUT living Fall.


Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

How truly wonderful.. I've just come over all unnecessary Chris and how very true.. I was gonna writ.. read more
Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

Vintage wine, vintage cars, kinda special aren't they?

6 Years Ago

........ :) absolutely
Thankfully, Nature doesn't hold back in bestowing beauty equally on its varied seasons. Senescence can be beautiful and that's what Autumn teaches us. Its colors can be as vibrant and even more enchanting than spring or summer!

So take me as you find me

Or leave me…

Free as a wind blown leaf...

Very beautiful lines...

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

A wise woman and very kind too... thank you Divya & true..... Neville
Myself, I am in my late Fall.
"Myself Mourning summer
Contemplating winter
Anticipating spring and
Oh' so very envious of fall., "
I enjoyed this poem. Somethings we cannot stop. Winter will find the all of us once day. Thank you my friend for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

I have known for several years now that you are a very astute observer & fine poet John.. I count yo.. read more
Coyote Poetry

6 Years Ago

You are welcome my friend. I appreciate your friendship.

6 Years Ago

I am smiling here & true..
Still got new buds on the clematis vines; no yellow on the beech tree
Fuchsia is in flower - Berries form for bird food later

Holly berries are green as green

T'aint autumn here - Yet young man

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Then you will be looking forward to spring as much as me my friend, after autumn tho of course.... A.. read more
Wild Rose

6 Years Ago

Spring > get the caravan ready - Away we go

6 Years Ago

Right behind ya....
Your writing is sparkling like the sun thru shimmery leaves in the breeze. We don't do much "colors" or "leaves" here . . . autumn is all about the way the air feels . . . that hint of moist, after months of hot & parched. I love the way your poem straddles the idea of my favorite season on this planet, but not so much my favorite season in this creaking old carcass! *wink! wink!* Thanks for making this feel like the season I've been waiting for all my life (((NUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

You are way too generous Margie.. I shall gift you colour.. just mark my words & true...... Neville

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7 Reviews
Added on September 13, 2018
Last Updated on September 14, 2018



Gone West folks....., United Kingdom

Sometimes my imagination get's the better of me and then the pen takes over .. more..


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