Hmmmm . . . a conundrum!! a riddle? a paradox . . . It may be an acknowledgement of our finitude, a realization that our minds cannot take it all in . . admitting that our powers to perceive every angle of repose is useless. Thanks, Nev
This reminds me of the Cuprinol advert. It does what it says on the tin. I:ve always found clarity prevents misunderstandings. How's that fencing of yours?
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
beware of tins that lie .... it needs replacing, but thank you anyway... N
And this disadvantaged can broght us more together. I think when people something share they feel more united. And is not matter what actually is. I exeperienced this every day. Another great thoughts.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Thank you, I am grateful for the visit and your consideration of my little scribble... many thanks, .. read moreThank you, I am grateful for the visit and your consideration of my little scribble... many thanks, Neville
So much said. So many paths to be followed in this small write. It was said that Matisse could draw the perfect portrait in five lines. You have taken less to say more.
I really dont know what to say, I just hope thank you will suffice for the time being.. cheque is in.. read moreI really dont know what to say, I just hope thank you will suffice for the time being.. cheque is in the post... Neville
6 Years Ago
What you said to me goes Neville. My pleasure.
6 Years Ago
Cheers Ken & that cheque wont bounce, I promise... Neville