'Zen Hunting'
The title is fitting for this fellow which is poem's subject. It is good to see the simple explanation of how he found 'true enlightenment.' His hunt took him to a perfect place. No longer feeling lonely I would say that the cure was perfect for him. This was a pleasant diversion for me this Friday afternoon.
I really appreciate you stopping at this particular page ... this is a very special post for.. read more
I really appreciate you stopping at this particular page ... this is a very special post for me.. now quite old.. I am glad you gave it an airing... Hope lockdown or whatever is being kind to you my friend.. Stay both safe and well... Neville :)
4 Years Ago
I like your honesty and kindness. It goes a long way during this time. I don't know .. read moreNeville,
I like your honesty and kindness. It goes a long way during this time. I don't know what the future holds. For me trust in God and simply believing for the best and being informed is a big help. Gosh but it's nice to just be back on here!
Blessings and good to you and yours.
4 Years Ago
Bless you dear Kathy.. it is good to have you back.. safe and sound I sincerely hope... Nevi.. read more
Bless you dear Kathy.. it is good to have you back.. safe and sound I sincerely hope... Neville :)
'Zen Hunting'
The title is fitting for this fellow which is poem's subject. It is good to see the simple explanation of how he found 'true enlightenment.' His hunt took him to a perfect place. No longer feeling lonely I would say that the cure was perfect for him. This was a pleasant diversion for me this Friday afternoon.
I really appreciate you stopping at this particular page ... this is a very special post for.. read more
I really appreciate you stopping at this particular page ... this is a very special post for me.. now quite old.. I am glad you gave it an airing... Hope lockdown or whatever is being kind to you my friend.. Stay both safe and well... Neville :)
4 Years Ago
I like your honesty and kindness. It goes a long way during this time. I don't know .. read moreNeville,
I like your honesty and kindness. It goes a long way during this time. I don't know what the future holds. For me trust in God and simply believing for the best and being informed is a big help. Gosh but it's nice to just be back on here!
Blessings and good to you and yours.
4 Years Ago
Bless you dear Kathy.. it is good to have you back.. safe and sound I sincerely hope... Nevi.. read more
Bless you dear Kathy.. it is good to have you back.. safe and sound I sincerely hope... Neville :)
I don't know if You wrote these words with thinking about what they might mean at the end or not, but I feel there is a great message behind them.
to be enlightened, is never preserve only to Monks, it can be anyone, wherever the place they are living in, as long as they are willing to be so.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
I firmly believe that anyone who seeks it, may eventually find it... and whilst on the subject of en.. read moreI firmly believe that anyone who seeks it, may eventually find it... and whilst on the subject of enlightenment, you have brightened my afternoon just nicely.... N x
Hahahahaha! Loving this striation between enlightenment and bliss. It feels like the moral of the story is that he let go of one, and got both in the end. :):)
Not every day you see a spiritual fable in poetic form.
A slam dunk, my friend!!! :):)
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
there is a certain association between the two methinks... and thank you for my first ever slam dunk.. read morethere is a certain association between the two methinks... and thank you for my first ever slam dunk, I now feel all my needs are assuaged.... Neville
6 Years Ago
Whaaat, no one ever told you? Well, I am honoured, but somewhat surprised at the rest of the readin.. read moreWhaaat, no one ever told you? Well, I am honoured, but somewhat surprised at the rest of the reading public, :):)
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A wonderfully convoluted way of showing that life can take one on a path of zigzag contentment. Happy the human being who includes the physical amid the spiritual.. by whatever means. As ever, you fill a stage with glorious cues.
Zen. I found hard days and being pissed-off. Years ago, I seek peace. Now I accept just enough. Nice thoughts and journey shared my friend. Thank you Neville for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Bless ya brother, a much appreciated visit, as always.. Hope you are well...
Great write - loved the humour! Did you know; that may sons of brilliant fathers are failures - seems 'enlightenment' never strikes in the same place twice (sorry corny intellectual joke) - bless :-)
Thank you for considering these words. Funny what folk find funny isn't it? It was not my original i.. read moreThank you for considering these words. Funny what folk find funny isn't it? It was not my original intention for 'Zen Hunting' to be humerous.. any chance of you explaining that corny intellectual joke, cheers
6 Years Ago
OK - its a parody on the old saying 'lightning never strikes in the same place twice' - and the imag.. read moreOK - its a parody on the old saying 'lightning never strikes in the same place twice' - and the image of a Buddhist Monk selling 'monk fish' made me smile … bless :-)
This speaks to me of the path @e hoped we would find ourselves on, , ever changing through time, as we carry on with our plan, only for us to look back in time at where we started and wonder how in the hell we ended up here...in a Coen Brothers kinda way.
How many of us became the astronauts, football player etc that our kid selves dreamed of? It may be a different world to where we began, but after a lifetime of wrong turns, im sure im not the only one grateful yhat im here at all. :)
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
I am a very lucky guy, most of the things I set out to do, obtain or achieve, I either managed or go.. read moreI am a very lucky guy, most of the things I set out to do, obtain or achieve, I either managed or got satisfyingly close....however, there is a little bit of self disclosure woven into and among these words my good friend... and as always, I thank you for not only visiting, but the well reasoned comments and opinions you invariably leave behind..... cheers, Neville
Zen Hunting makes me feel there may be an element of autobiography in these lines. Many of us start planning out lives in one direction only to end up by taking a detour. I guess we are all seeking enlightenment which to me is a perfect state of happiness and acceptance. I wonder how many get there? I think it is a rare thing, but I have caught it once or twice for a matter of minutes only, before it dissolves like mist in summer sun. Elusive.
This is a great depiction of the various ways life can serve up something that we weren't expecting, but that actually ends up being the best answer. I love the originality of your story, telling an age-old tale of how there's apparently a master crafter in control of the direction of things! (((HUGS)))
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Thank you tremendously my friend, much appreciated...
Thats interising . I was in zen group for 7 years. I left cause too much rules and my knees are very.. read moreThats interising . I was in zen group for 7 years. I left cause too much rules and my knees are very hurting now.