I'm just looking
The shopkeeper nods
I've been looking all my life
Can't shut my eyes
Haven't given up the hope
Not yet, but I will..
I will...
Not because they'll take it from me
But because I'll give you up
And I'll stop breathing
You dropped me off somewhere bewildering
I don't really remember how
Just the realization
That I was alone
It's a cold damp that seeps in
The emptiness of singularity
It's the grit of the streets
Hanging from personal crucifixes
It's the acknowledgement
No one cares what you think
Its cohabitating with insignificance
A tough drinking companion
It takes a lot to put him under
Going to the black void
Knowing you didn't matter
Is it really that bad?
What did you expect?
Did you think facsimilated vision was
Anything more than facilitated blindness
You have always been blind
Would you clammer for sight
In the dismal greys
We have these talks
I have these talks
I used to think you listened
Now I just accept my chastizing
Without needing it to be you
You'd be pleased
I paint my Harlequin smile
I took to the job well
It is my unpretentious armor
So good they can't even tell