What I like most about this poem is the natural flow and imagery you put into it. Very well done. I think you beat yourself up for no reason. The rhyme in the stanza's was good and the repetition also--equally balanced. Again, always try to proof read your writing in order to make it the best you can; you know little things like mispelling the word "truly" in the first line. Look into those things. The first and last stanza's were beautifully done. The second and third were a bit choppy and interrupted the nice effect you had going. Again, thanks for sharing. Keep writing. Gionelly*KiSS
Beautiful write! Here the 'you' can have multiple meanings - an angel, or God!, Or one's sweetheart or lover, or a father figure, or the mother, or someone one looks upon as a guide or mentor, one who believes so much on the little life, even though she falters with every try!
Really loved the write as it suits my philosophical tastes :) Perhaps you can rename it as "How do I repay you".
failure...is the stepping stone for success...worth yes u will always be...good days bad days...we all have them...there creativity flows...:) keep writing sweet-one my new friend
This was good. You're a great write with deep emotions running through your veins. Keep writing. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for me to read. Good job!
You know, it never matters how many times we try something, how much effort we put in, how much pain we suffer for something. Not a single one of us will ever be the best at something. And I think the hardest activity in life is showing the people who you love and care about that they matter. Whoever this person is, if they're still there after every time you've failed them , then they understand what love is and the imperfections of our human nature. This was a beautiful write, thank you for expressing what I so often feel but haven't been able to put in words.
this is written well
One advice I want to give you that you should change the title it keeps the reader in chaos until he reads the description
Title should match up with the poem
talking about the poem I liked reading it
This portrays a picture of situation when we can't owe the person when they supported us when we are suffering
Good write
What I like most about this poem is the natural flow and imagery you put into it. Very well done. I think you beat yourself up for no reason. The rhyme in the stanza's was good and the repetition also--equally balanced. Again, always try to proof read your writing in order to make it the best you can; you know little things like mispelling the word "truly" in the first line. Look into those things. The first and last stanza's were beautifully done. The second and third were a bit choppy and interrupted the nice effect you had going. Again, thanks for sharing. Keep writing. Gionelly*KiSS