Tip Four - Helping Others

Tip Four - Helping Others

A Chapter by Nevah Ann

Tip four


                    Alec knocked at the door at four on the dot. He was a little happy to see that Emma opened the door this time. She smiles at him as she steps out of the house and closes the door. “Hello,”

               “Afternoon, Emma” Alec walks to the car and holds the door open for her. “How was your week?”

               “It was fine,” Emma climbs into the car and waits till Alec gets into the driver’s seat before continuing. “Where are we going today?”

               “It’s a secret, remember” he smiles at her as he starts driving.

               “Well how do I know if I’m dressed right if you won’t tell me?” Emma looks down at the clothes she picked out. They weren’t anything too fancy but it also wasn’t causal wear either. Alec glances at her before looking back at the road.

               “You look fine.” He pulls into the hospital and parks near the main entrance. “It won’t matter what you’re wearing, really” He climbs out and walks around to hold open the door for her.

               Emma climbs out of the car, “The hospital?” She looks at him, “You aren’t working for my parents are you? This isn’t a trick to get me in for a check-up or something?” She counts back trying to remember if she had a shot coming up. Alec laughs.

               “Nothing like that,” he walks into the hospital and heads to the elevators, “You don’t like shots?” Emma shakes her head. “Oh,” Alec pushes the down button, “I don’t really like them either, though in some cases, I’d take the shot over the illness” Alec steps onto the elevator. He waits for Emma before hitting the button for the basement.

               “Ok, you really have me confused,” Emma laughs, “I have no idea where we’re going or what we’re doing.”

               “Well,” he looks at her, “To be honest with you, after last week’s meal I’m sort of out of cash, and since Josh works here I can get a discount on the food. So we’re coming down here to have lunch.” Emma stares at him, unsure of what to say. “It’s cheaper than fast food,” he nods, “With the discount I can get two cheeseburgers and some fries to split for $5 and then we can just drink water.” He pauses, “You are ok with water right?” The elevator stops and Alec steps off. He turns back to look at her. She seemed unsure of what to do. More than likely she was freaking out inside but afraid to look bad on a date by flipping out in front of him. He stops the elevator doors from closing. “Are you coming?” he smiles at her and holds out his hand. “The food down here really isn’t that bad.” Slowly Emma reaches out and takes his hand. Alec pulls her off the elevator. “Come on,” he leads her down the hall.

               “I” Emma clears her throat and tries again, “I have some money if… you want to go get something to eat I can pay” she looks at him. Alec stops in front of a door and turns to look at her.

               “That’s very kind,” he laughs, “But we’re not really down here to eat.” He opens the door and walks into the room.

               The main room of the hospital, mostly used for conferences or classes was decorated in brightly colored streamers and balloons. Seven large tables where set up in one section and three other smaller sections were left open. Children looking to be between four to twelve were everywhere as well as a surprisingly large amount of adults. Some of the children were in wheelchairs or on crouches. Emma noticed three of them pulling around IV stands.

               Alec watches Emma. He wasn’t sure how she’d react to the room or how she even felt about children. He waited to see what she was going to do before he explained what was going on. Finally, after taking in the room, she looks up at him. “Every month the hospital holds a party for the children in their ward. As well as for the children who come in weekly or daily or whatever for treatments. It’s all volunteer based and donates and everything. Josh and Mellissa help out ever month. After I meet Josh I went to one and helped out… I’ve been coming back since.” He looks around, “There are kids in here ranging from, broken leg to cancer patients. The little girl over there,” he points to a small red head who looked to be one of the younger children here, “she’s been to these parties every month for about two years now. She’s got cancer and she’s still on treatment. Nothing’s working though. They thought for sure she’d only live four months but she keeps telling them she has to live to go to these parties.” He shrugs, “She’s lived almost six months past what they said she was going to.” Alec looks up as Josh walks over.

               “Hey, Alec” he looks at Emma, “Hello, Emma, nice to see you again. I take it from your surprised look, Alec didn’t tell you what you guys were doing today, huh?” Emma shakes her head. “Well, we’ll start you out easy. How about going and helping Melissa at the bead table?” He points to his fiancé. “She’ll tell you what she needs help with. OK?”

               Emma smiles, “Alright,” She walks over to the table. Melissa was a pretty woman and Emma could tell by the way she was talking to the children that she was one of those women that wanted to have children and a lot of them. Melissa looks up.

               “Hello, you must be Emma. I’m Melissa,” she holds her hand out, “I’ve heard a lot about you from Alec.”

               “Nice to meet you,” Emma takes her hand and shakes it. “What can I help you with?”

               “Well,” she looks back at the table, “Most of the kids can string the beads easily on their own, and most of them can tie the string to keep them from falling off or to make the jewelry, but some still have problems. So, just walk around and help them tie the string or pick out colors or just whatever they need help with.”

               “Alright,” Emma smiles and walks over to the other side of the table. Before she was even able to locate where everything was on the table a little girl calls her over.


               The party was always one of the things Alec looked forward to. The first one he had gone to was four days after his accident. They normally were for the younger kids, Josh had brought him down to help out with some of the activities. Even though he was in a wheelchair at the time and wanted nothing to do with any of the kids. He was forced to sit at the table and help the little ones glue popsicle sticks to paper or to each other. Until he met the little red head girl he hated the whole thing. He was angry for having to stay, angry that he couldn’t walk and angry that Josh was making him do some lousy party, but that little girl had changed everything. She wanted to make a spaceship. Alec didn’t have any idea how to make a spaceship out of popsicles sticks let alone why you would want to. But she was determined to do it and when asked why she explained, ‘I want to fly in one, but I don’t think I will be able to. I want to live until next month’s party, but when I turn thirteen, I won’t have no more parties, then I won’t have no more goals to look forward to.’ So they worked, it took them almost the whole party but finally they made what Alec thought at the time was a lame rocket ship, but the girl, the girl thought it was the best thing every. When Alec asked about the girl, who at the time seemed to be perfectly healthy, what was wrong with her, he was shocked to hear that they didn’t think she would live for more than another month. Wanting to see her again, Alec had gone to the party the next month, and the one after, and the one after. This one was his sixth party now. The parties started at three and went on until seven. Volunteers showed up at any time and helped anywhere they were able to. Josh and one of his co-workers were in charge of making sure they had enough of everything and that everyone had a job to do. They also made sure the children didn’t stay down too long or didn’t have any problems while down there. The children showed up, some from three until the party ended at seven, jumping from one table to another, or doing the races, or the games. While other children showed up at four and only stayed an hour or two. At six one of the local pizza places came in, donating enough pizza for the children who were there and the staff to enjoy. At seven, after all the children left or were brought back up to their rooms, the left over staff helped clean up and take note of which items needed to be bought for next month’s party. Though some of the games and activities changed, some like the jewelry making and the coloring, stayed the same. Alec looks over and watches Emma. She seemed to be having a great time as she helped a little girl pick out the beads for her bracelet. It was almost six now which meant the food would be arriving shortly. He looks back at the boy and laughs, “Hey, kiddo.” He leans down and pulls the jump rope off of his leg, “I think you jump with both feet, not just one.” He kneels.

               “I can’t do it,” the boy’s eyes fill with tears.

               “Aww, sure you can. Here let me show you. Hold the rope.” Alec waits until the boy puts the rope in his hands, “Ok, now put it over your head,” The boy turns the rope and puts it over his head it falls in front of him. Alec picks the boy up so the rope is behind him again, “Ta-da” The boy laughs.

               “I think that’s cheating”

               “No one said you couldn’t get help with jump rope,” Alec smiles, “Besides, you did all the hard work, I just helped with the jump”


               Emma helped Melissa put the rest of the beads away. Though this wasn’t what she was expecting, and she hadn’t really been with Alec most of the day. She had a great time. A blue and purple beaded bracelet now lay around her wrist. A gift that one of the girls had made her, identical to one she had made for herself. ‘A friendship bracelet’ the nine year old had told her, ‘Cause you’re my new best friend.’ Emma smiles, she couldn’t remember the last time someone had made her feel so important. All she had done was help the girl tie the end of the bracelet and pick out the different shades of beads, but it seemed to be the most important thing to this little girl.

               “Thank you for the help,” Melissa smiles at Emma.

               “No problem,” Emma hands her the last of the containers. “I had a great time. When’s next month’s? I’d like to come back and help again.”

               “Next month’s party is the third Saturday starting at three, but you can come any time after three until the party ends at seven. Even if you want to just come at seven just to help clean up that will work too.”

               “I’ll put it on the calendar,” Emma smiles at her. “Thank you” Alec walks over two jars of red paint in his hand.

               “Josh told me I’m suppose to give these to you.” He holds them out to Melissa.

               “What do I need them for?” Melissa looks at Alec. Alec shrugs. “Ok…” She takes the jars from him. “I’m not sure why I would need these.” Alec moves a step away from her and smiles. Melissa eyes him. “What?” Emma watches as Josh sneaks up behind Melissa and pours a can of blue paint onto Melissa’s head. Melissa’s eyes widen and she turns to glare at her soon to be husband.

               “That’s for last night when she were so cranky and you said you’d rather sit and be blue.” He grins at her. Melissa stalks forward.

               “Oh really?” She holds up the jar of red paint, “This must be because you made me so angry”

               Josh nods, “You’re suppose to pour it on yourself.” He laughs before turning and running. Melissa runs after him. Alec walks over to Emma.

               “Did you have a good time?” He leans in and kisses her cheek.

               “Yes,” she looks at him, “I had a wonderful time. Thank you for bringing me.”

               “You’re welcome,” He looks over and watches as Melissa pours red paint all over Josh. “They might be awhile…” he looks back at her, “How about going to get some ice cream”

               “Should we just leave them down here? They’re going to use all the paint” Emma laughs.

               “It’s fine,” Alec takes her arm, “Josh buys the paints for the parties, he’ll replace them” He looks back over his shoulder, “We’re going to get some ice cream.” He calls to them.

               Josh looks over, “Alright.” Alec leads Emma to the door. “Alec,” Josh calls to him. Alec looks back. “I won’t be over tonight. They want me to cover the night shift for someone. Can we do it tomorrow?”

               “Alright, See you tomorrow at eight then.” Alec smiles before leading Emma to the elevator.

               “What are you doing tomorrow at eight?” She looks at him.

               “It’s a bonding thing Josh is trying” Alec shrugs, “Every Saturday he comes over and we watch movies. He usually works morning shifts Saturday and evening shifts on Sundays. So he comes over at eight and leaves around one or two.”

               “Oh… then last week I cut into your time.” Emma frowns, “Why didn’t you say something?”

               “He had off Sunday, so he just came over after I got back. No worries” Alec smiles at Emma, “Don’t worry, he’s blown me off for dates too”


               “That was the biggest ice cream I’ve had.” Emma giggles at Alec. “One they say one scoop they really mean like seven, huh?”

               Alec laughs, “I think their version of a scoop is different from ours. Ours means one normal ice cream scoop you find in your kitchen drawers. Theirs are, like a dump truck scoop.”

Emma laughs, “That’s way too much ice cream.” She pauses by the door, “I’ll be right back, I need to use the restroom.”

Alec nods. He watches her walk to the restrooms with a yawn he walks outside to wait. He hated being in doors with a lot of people. He always felt as if he was trapped. The more people the harder it was for him to escape. He always picked out each of the ways out and judged them on which would be the easiest or the hardest to get out of. It was always best to know every escape possible.

“Well, Well” a male’s voice sounds behind Alec, “Look what we have here” Alec turns and eyes the black hair guy behind him, as well as the four people behind him. “Alec,” the black hair guy smiles, “I didn’t think you would show yourself in this area again.”

“Mav” Alec says coldly, “I’m not in the mood today.” He glances behind him to make sure Emma wasn’t around. He didn’t want to pull her into this.

“We’ve been trying to find you, Alec” Mav steps forward. “You won’t return our calls”

“I wonder why” Alec stands his ground. He knew if he backed off they would take it as a sign of being weak.

“We just want to talk, Alec” Mav smiles, “Is that so hard to do?”

“Depends, I know what your meaning of talk is.”

“Just talk,” Mav grabs Alec’s arm, “Let go talk.” Alec pulls his arm away and moves back a step. He growls low.

“No, Mav. We’ve already went over this. You know my choices.”

“I know your choices, I did not agree to them.”

“Alec,” Emma’s voice sounds behind him. He turns and looks at her. Crap, he didn’t want Emma to be involved. He didn’t want Emma to have anything to do with this. “Alec, is everything ok?” She looks behind him at Mav.”

“Yeah,” He holds out the keys, “Why don’t you start the car. I’ll be right there.” Emma looks back at Alec. Please, he begs her. Don’t question this, just take the keys and go. Please… please.

“Alright,” she slowly takes the keys from him. She looks back at Mav. He could see the words forming he could tell she wanted to ask what was going on. Finally she turns and walks to the car. Alec turns back to Mav.

“She’s pretty,” Mav stares over Alec’s shoulder and watches Emma, “Shame if something were to happen to her.”

“Leave her out of this, Mav: Alec growls. Mav looks at him.

“Just want to talk, Alec, tonight, behind Jitters restaurant.”

Alec narrows his eyes. He wouldn’t leave him alone, and if he didn’t agree Mav would go after Emma. “Fine”

“Eleven tonight then, Alec”

Alec nods before turning and walking back to his car. He slides in.

“Who was that?” Emma looks out the window at Mav.

“Someone from my past,” Alec puts the car into reverse, “Let’s get you home.”

© 2010 Nevah Ann

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Added on March 30, 2010
Last Updated on March 30, 2010


Nevah Ann
Nevah Ann


I'm BACK!! .... I know... I've been gone for AWHILE.... Writer's Block hit HARD... but I think I've pulled over that one. :) I've been writting as long as I can remember. I have changed what I wri.. more..
