![]() Tip Three - Giving Thanks, For Your LifeA Chapter by Nevah Ann![]() Tip Three![]() Two Weeks Later “The dinner is really good mom” Emma smiles at her mother as she takes another fork full of food. “Thank you, sweety” her mother smiles back at her. “I’m glad you like it.” A knock on the door causes the family to look up. “Who could that be?” “I’ll get it, mom” Emma stands and hurries to the front door. She opens it and is surprised to meet the gaze of the green eyes. “I… Hello.” “Evening, Emma” He smiles at her, “How are you?” “I’m fine,” she steps out of the house and closes the door behind her, “How are you? How is your shoulder feeling?” She didn’t expect to ever see Alec again but here he was outside of her door and… she had to admit without being soaked and bleeding he was damn hot. “I’m alright. The shoulder is sore but,” he shrugs, “I suppose I’ll live.” She grins, “That’s good. What are you doing here?” “I just wanted to thank you again for everything. I don’t know where I’d be without you, you really helped me out.” “It was nothing, really” “I want to repay you.” He moves a step toward her. “If that is alright with you,” “I don’t need any money or… anything like that, really it was no trouble.” She moves back. She wasn’t use to boys being that close to her. “I would like to take you out. Dinner and a movie perhaps?” he takes a half step back seeing how uncomfortable he was making her. “Whatever day is good for you. I can’t work for a week so after classes I don’t have anything to do.” “You go to school at Morgantown High?” she hadn’t seen him in school before but it was a large school and he looked to be a bit older so he was probably in a grade higher than her. “No, I’m at Cass North.” He smiles, “I get out an hour before you, so I can be ready whenever you need me to be.” Cass North was the private school down the road. She had heard a lot of things about it, like only people with a lot of money went there, that all of the people who did go through hung out with their own little click and no one else, everyone there was stuck up and spoiled and yet. She couldn’t see Alec with any type of clicks from Cass North, nor could she even picture him in uniform at a private school. “Well,” she looks back at the house, soon one of her parents would come out here and ask her what was taking her so long. “I’m staying with Katie on Friday but I guess I’m free Saturday.” She looks back at him, “If that’s ok with you?” “Saturday is fine. What time should I pick you up?” “I… whenever I guess.” She had never been on a date before she didn’t even know what time was normal for a dinner and a movie date. “Five then? We can get something to eat and then catch the seven show.” “That’ll be good.” She nods, trying to keep the excitement from her voice. Her first date and it was with someone as cute as, she clears her throat and lowers her eyes, “I should get back to dinner,” “I’m sorry to keep you. I’ll see you on Saturday, Emma.” He turns, “Have a nice evening.” “Thank you, you too” She opens the door and hurries inside the house. Closing the door she leans against it and giggles, “Oh my god… Wait till Katie hears this.” She stands and hurries back into the kitchen. “Who was at the door, sweety?” Her mother looks up as she walks back into the room. “A friend, he was… he asked me out.” She grins. Her mother gets up from the table. “Oh honey that’s wonderful! What’s his name? Does he go to your school? Where are you guys going?” “How old is he? Do we know him?” her father added to her mother’s questions. “His name is Alec, he doesn’t go to my school and you don’t know him. I’m… not sure how old he is but he goes to Cass North and we are going out to dinner and a movie.” She lists the questions off in her head to make sure she had answered all of them before nodding. “I’m going to go call Katie to tell her” “I want to meet this boy before you two go out,” her father says, “He will have some questions to answer” “Dad! Don’t scare him off on the first date!” she looks helplessly at her mother, “You’ll stop him from ruining this right mom?” “Well….” Her mother smiles, “I’m sure everything will be ok.” Alec pulls up to the house. He knew he was five minutes early but he figured he could wait if she wasn’t ready. For some reason he was unable to control his excitement about going out. He had been on many dates before and he didn’t even know that much about this girl but for some reason, he was just excited about seeing her again and taking her out. He walks up to the door and doors lightly. A tall older gentlemen opens the door. From the look on his face Alec knew right away this was Emma’s father. “Good evening, sir.” He smiles politely, “My name is Alec. I’m here to take Emma to dinner.” Emma’s father eyes him a moment before stepping aside. Alec steps into the house. Her father closes the door and stands against it. Feeling a brief moment of panic, Alec scans his surroundings for other exits before looking back at the man. “You go to Cass North?” her father asks his tone serious. “Yes, sir” Alec knew these line of questions. “Your parents must have some money” “No, sir. I live on my own, my guardian pays the tuition.” “You live alone?” His expression changes to one of concern. “Yes, sir. I rent an apartment uptown, near Kane River” it had taken him a lot of paperwork and a good amount of money to even be able to rent the place in his name without Josh’s signature on the paperwork. “Your guardian pays for that too, I assume?” her father asks him. “No, sir. I work two after school jobs and I help my guardian from time to time around his house for some extra money, as well as help a friend of mine’s dad in his shop on weekends to make a little extra money. I pay for everything I need except for my tuition to the school.” Normally he’d spent every waking hour either in school or at work, but with the shoulder injury still healing and his ribs still sore he wasn’t able to do nearly as much as he normally would be able to. He went into work Thursday and Friday for a few hours at one of his jobs but he didn’t think he’d be able to make it back until he healed more, the few hours at even the one job was just too much for him. Luckily he had money set aside so he would still be able to cover all of his bills without bugging Josh about a loan. “You aren’t working today?” her father was trying to catch him lying. Alec smiles, so he was right, this was Emma’s first date. He had thought by the way she acted the other night it might be, but he wasn’t sure. “I hurt myself a couple weeks ago and I’m still healing from it. I’ve taken some time off until I’m able to work again. Hopefully I can go back this week.” He wondered were Emma was. He hadn’t heard anything from her, though her father hadn’t told her he was there yet so maybe she didn’t even know. “Do you smoke?” “No, sir” he had tried it once but the smell drove him insane and now he tried to stay away from it as much as possible. “Drink?” her father shifts his position. This must be an important question to him, Alec thinks. “From time to time, sir, when my guardian allows me too. The last time I had something to drink though I was with my guardian and it was his birthday. It was a glass of wine and I would never drink and drive.” He use to drink all of the time. Parties and more drinking then anyone should ever do, but once Josh took him in he had stopped and now it was only when Josh was around. “Drugs?” “No, sir.” Lying to a parent never solved anything. Most parents knew if you were lying to them which only gave you a bad name and was a horrible way to start off any type of relationship with them and their children, but living out information was sometimes wise unless asked. Though Alec had been clean for almost six months now there was a time when his drug habit was worse than his drinking habit. “How old are you? You are older than my daughter” he looks toward the stairs, probably wondering if his daughter was going to come down before he was able to finish his questions, or wondering if he could scare Alec off before his daughter was able to come down at all. “I just turned seventeen, sir. I’m not sure how old your daughter is, so I don’t know if I’m older than her though.” He figured he was. She didn’t seem to be much older than fifteen or sixteen. Her father looks back at him, “You’re taking her out to dinner and a movie?” “Yes, sir.” He nods at him. “Have you ever had sex before?” Ah, here was the question you always had to look out for. A parent asking that question always thought they knew the answer. Lying and saying no when they clearly know your answer is yes is a good way to cause problems, “Yes, sir.” Short sweet answers were clearly the best way to go. Giving too much information was never good. “Do you plan on having sex with my daughter?” his eyes narrow at Alec. Another one of those trick questions, saying yes was a quick way to get hit and kicked out, saying no was a quick way to be called a liar. Each situation had to thought out quickly, quick enough they didn’t know you were stalling but not too quick like you had planned the answer in advance though. “I’ve just meet your daughter, sir, if you are asking if I plan on having sex with her tonight then, no, sir. If you are asking if I plan on having sex with her ever I do not know. Things happen, sir. I want to finish school and find the woman I want to marry before having sex again, but if that happens to be your daughter then yes, sooner or later I’m sure sex will happen between us.” He shifts slightly. It hadn’t been what he wanted to say. For some reason when asked the question his first response was yes, god yes he wanted to have sex with her… he just couldn’t figure out why that was the answer. It never had been before and yet… for some reason it was this time. By the look on her father’s face he doubted he had ever thought to answer the question that way, or had thought anyone would answer the question that way. “Have you ever been in an accident before?” He looks out the window, “You’re driving what, a Jag?” “I’ve had one accident,” he shudders at the memory of his accident it was the reason he had meet Josh to begin with. “Not in this car, sir. This one I just bought a few months ago.” It had been his reward for cleaning up his act. Josh told him to work for something and that might help him want to start school and get off the drugs and drinking. His goal was his own car. With all of the money he saved not drinking or buying the drugs he had enough for the down payment in a matter of months. Footsteps sound on the stairs and Alec looks to see an older woman walk down the stairs, “Oh, hello!” She smiles at Alec, “I didn’t know you were here already. Emma will be right down.” She looks at her husband, “You haven’t been giving him a hard time, have you sweetheart?” she wraps her arm around her husband’s waist and smiles up at him. Alec smiles, he had seen that same look on Melissa’s face when she was around Josh. “No, ma’am.” Alec smiles at Emma’s mother, “He was just getting to know me better. It was no trouble.” Her father eyes Alec before smiling at his wife. Just then, Emma walks down the stairs. Alec looks over and smiles at her. Though not wearing anything to overly fancy he could tell she had dressed up for this. He wondered how long it had taken her to get dressed and how many outfits she had gone through. Upon seeing her father Emma picks up her pace, stopping by Alec. “Hi, I’m ready.” She smiles at him. “Alright,” he smiles at her. Emma kisses her mother on the cheek. “Bye mom,” she leans over and kisses her father, “Bye dad,” she opens the door and takes Alec’s arm. “I’ll see you when I get home,” she lightly tugs on Alec’s arm, worried if she didn’t get Alec out soon her father would make the date so much worse, Alec guessed. “Curfew is 9:30, Emma.” Her father says. “Dad” Emma stops and looks at her father, “It’s Saturday.” “9:30, Emma.” Her father repeats. “Sweetheart, it is a Saturday, there is no need for her to be home so early.” Emma’s mother says to her husband, “There is no need for her to rush just to come back here. Let her have some fun.” “That’s what I’m worried about,” he eyes Alec, “they are going to dinner and a movie, too much time and things can happen after the movie. If the movie starts at 7 it’ll be over at 8:30 or 9, that gives them half hour to get back here which is more than enough time.” “Dad!” Emma protests, she looks at her mom, “Mom, please?” “Come on, sweety. You can give her a break. It’s Saturday. How about 10:30?” “No, too much free time gives them more time to do OTHER things.” Her father keeps his eyes on Alec. Alec replays the conversation, had he said something he didn’t remember? He couldn’t remember saying anything that might have made him think he was going to try something with his daughter, though… on the other hand, if it was his only child and this was her first date… it did explained it. “10 then, dad?” Emma begs her father. Her father looks over at her, “I was a teenager once, I know what happens when extra time comes after a movie.” If Alec didn’t speak up soon they’d never be able to make it to both, even if her dad let her stay out until midnight. “What ever time you want her home, sir. I’ll make sure she gets home at that time. It is your house and your rules, sir.” Alec speaks up. Her father eyes him a moment before sighing. “Ten, no later.” He looks at Alec, “Not ten o one, not ten fifteen, Ten.” “Yes, sir. I will have her inside before ten.” He smiles, “Have a nice evening, sir,” he looks at her mother and nods, “Ma’am” He takes Emma’s hand and leads her outside. Emma closes the door behind her. “I am so sorry about my father,” she sighs. “No need to be sorry,” Alec holds open the car door for her, “He’s just looking out for you. I’d be worried if he didn’t ask me anything.” Emma climbs into the car. Alec walks around and gets in. “Besides,” he smiles, “If your parents don’t like me, I don’t think they’ll let me take you out.” Alec pulls into a parking space outside of the White Dove. Emma stops talking as she notices where they are, “Why are we here?” she looks at Alec, “This place takes months to get into. My dad has been trying to call and gets a table for him and my mother for years now.” “We’re eating dinner here,” he smiles at her before getting out and walking around to open the door for her. Emma climbs out of the car. “I’m under dressed, and… and how did you even get a table?” she looks at him. “You look wonderful and let me worry about the table.” He takes her hand and leads her inside. “Evening, sir.” He smiles at the host. “Evening,” the host smiles at Alec, “Your name please.” “Anderson,” He had known this man for a few months now. The host was probably one of the few people he would consider a friend if someone was to ask him. They had gone out a few times and Alec had even been the one to get him the job here. The host nods at them. “This way, sir” he takes two menus and walks to a back table. Alec had requested a quiet table near the back so they could talk. He made sure to explain to his friend, he wanted no special treatment and he was to act as if he didn’t even know him. The table Melissa picked out was perfect, right next to the fireplace which gave the already low lighted restaurant a nice glow. Alec holds the chair out for Emma before sitting down himself. “Can I get you something to drink?” The host asks as he places a menu in front of each of them. “Can I have a sweet tea, please?” Emma asks. The host nods before looking at Alec. “Coke, please.” Alec nods at the host as he walks away. Alec opens the menu. He knew what he was getting. He usually got the same thing when he knew who was cooking, but he figured if he looked at the menu he wouldn’t stare at Emma. For some reason all he wanted to do was just look at her. He hears her gasp and he looks over at her. “Something wrong?” Emma leans forward, “Did you know it’s $18 for a hamburger here?” Alec nods. “And $4 for a side salad?” Alec nods again. “That’s crazy!” she lowers her voice, “Let’s go someplace else, it’s going to cost a future to eat here.” Alec smiles, he puts the menu down and leans in, lowering his voice he says, “We’re already sitting down, besides, let me worry about the price of the food. Just order whatever you want. I have money, it’s not a problem. Besides, this doesn’t even start to cover what you’ve done for me.” “You’re going to spend a hundred dollars here for you and me” “You’re planning on ordering a lot of food?” He laughs at her, “Just get whatever sounds good, don’t even look at the price.” He looks back at the menu, “I can always order for you if you don’t know what you’d like.” “… You’re crazy” she looks over the menu, “I’m paying for the movie tickets.” Alec laughs, “We’ll see.” “That movie was good,” Emma leans back in the seat of the car. The whole evening had been wonderful. Dinner was delicious, she had never tasted food that good before, and the movie was a lot better than the reviews had said it was. Even though she said she was paying for it, Alec had the money out and had paid before she even had the chance to grab her wallet. She was upset he had obviously paid a lot of money for this evening, but it was perfect. “It was pretty good, huh?” he smiles at her. He stops the car in front of her house and gets up to walk around and open the door. Emma smiles. He had been a perfect gentleman. Opening and holding doors for her, pulling out her chair, taking her coat. She didn’t know any other teenager that did all of that. She climbs out of the car and smiles at Alec. He smiles back and leads her up to the steps. “I had a wonderful time,” Emma smiles at him. “Thank you.” “Thank you,” he smiles. “Would you like to go out again?” Emma looks up at him. Again? This had been a thank you for helping him thing, what would again be? “My choice this time though.” He smiles, “Next Saturday? I’ll pick you up at 4?” “4? Why so early? Where are we going?” Emma asks. “It’s a surprise,” he smiles, “Have a nice evening, Emma.” He leans forward and kisses her cheek. “I’ll see you at 4 next week.” He walks to the car. Emma watches him drive off before walking into the house, she looks at the clock. 9:59. She laughs before going to find her parents. Alec unlocks the door and steps into the house, “Josh!” he closes the door behind him. Melissa walks into the front room. “Hey Alec. How was the date?” Josh’s fiancé smiles at him. “It was perfect.” Alec smiles, “She wouldn’t stop talking about how great the food was.” “Well good. I’m glad she liked it. Josh is getting ready. What’s tonight’s line up?” “I think we’re watching the Rambo movies. It’s his night to pick the movies.” He laughs, “Want to join us?” “No thanks,” Melissa smiles, “Saturday nights are your guys time to hang out. Just make sure he’s not home too late.” “Of course,” Alec laughs as Melissa goes to find Josh, “Mel,” he calls after her before she gets too far. Melissa looks back. “Thanks for the table. It was perfect.” He smiles. “You’re welcome sweety. What good am I as an owner if I can’t allow a few of my close friends to use some of the tables so they can take out a pretty lady?” She smiles as she leaves the room to find Josh. © 2010 Nevah Ann |
Added on March 30, 2010 Last Updated on March 30, 2010 Author![]() Nevah AnnMIAboutI'm BACK!! .... I know... I've been gone for AWHILE.... Writer's Block hit HARD... but I think I've pulled over that one. :) I've been writting as long as I can remember. I have changed what I wri.. more..Writing