Scared to Act
A Poem by Sunset Girl
I can’t deny
Deep down
I’m scared
To turn away
And to move forward
To be alone
Yet miss out
I can feel the changes
The contentness
Just going along
Almost like
Not caring
Not feeling
To turn away
To let go
What if
There is no one
Like you
And I’m alone
But to move forward
Take that next step
I’m scared
Of missing out
Being wrong
I’m scared
Either way
So I just stop
© 2013 Sunset Girl
:: sweetest j. , this is a magical piece of poetry for me because i relate to it intensely... i remember the time when i tried to "move on" only to look back and realize that all those times when i had moved on in the past, it was something that had happened naturally... without me actually doing anything... but i remember oscillating and trying to figure out ways of moving on... and ultimately, when it happened... i remember how relieved i would feel... not just because it happened but because it happened naturally rather than by my trying to make it happen... :: but maybe this doesn't apply to everyone and some people make things happen... maybe everyone doesn't like to submit to life as much as i do... maybe i'm lazy... :P
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Most of my moving on has been the natural kind... with an end that was planned out or someone else's.. read moreMost of my moving on has been the natural kind... with an end that was planned out or someone else's doing. It's easier to stay the course then turn. But now it almost seems I'm at a place where either choice requires action, to move forward together or apart. And I don't want to be the one to make that choice.
You're not lazy, unless I am too. :)
11 Years Ago
:: haha... well... then... we're both NOT lazy... :P
1 Review
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on October 2, 2013
Last Updated on October 2, 2013
Sunset GirlMI
Writing can help one express what they can't seem to explain verbally.
My poems are mostly about life, love and relationships. I started writing more when I thought people just wouldn't understand me.. more..