![]() Chapter 1 - WHO ARE YOU?A Chapter by Vanessa![]() Sarah was at the island and tracing the lining on her jacket.![]() Chapter 1
The sun was way too bright. I turned over and covered my face with my covers. "Chariiicccccceeee!" My sister yelled as she pranced around my room and smiled. "Uggh. Not so loud, my head hurts..." I replied as I slowly arose my head from my pillow. " How was the party last night?" I propped my head on my elbow and looked, eagerly.
"Well... it was okay. But I worried about you most of the night. Are you feeling any better?" She calmly asked. I nodded and got up. "So what is the plan for today?" I asked while I took off the clothes from last night and started to slip on sweats. "Oh no, no, no. You need to look more than decent today we are going out to lunch after we do a little shopping with Adrian". She motioned me to stop fooling with the pants. Walking over to my closet, she threw various pieces of clothing out from the walk-in. She must have looked down because her next comment was concerning my shoes.
"How many pairs of heels do you have woman!?" I smiled and replied " I don't know...". I slipped on a black and white sundress and a white cardigan. She handed me a pair of red pumps and disappeared into my bathroom to find some accessories. I made my bed, and sat on the couch adjacent to my bed. She emerged once again with a pair of red feather earrings and a black and white polka dotted bow. "See you downstairs. Kitchen. In five minutes." She spoke in broken words and slammed my door as she scurried out. I was holding the fashion enhancers in my hand and walked into the bathroom to stare at myself. I put my hair in a twist bun, and held it with a few bobby pins. The earrings went in and the headband was secure on my head. I splashed a light layer of make-up on, grabbed the loud red heels and proceeded to the kitchen.
Sarah was at the island and tracing the lining on her jacket. "Sis... make me those eggs that I love so much!" Her face lit up with excitement. "Well.... I don't know.." I said, jokingly. "But.. you're the big sister, you have to take care of me!" She made puppy eyes and smiled after I reluctantly nodded to agree. As I cracked eggs into the steaming pan, she continued to talk to me.
"Wait!" She ran out of the room and came back carrying the black and pink apron she made for me when I was sixteen and she was twelve years old. I took it, and quickly put it on before I burnt the eggs. "So what's the plan for today besides lunch with Adrian and shopping?" I continued to scramble the eggs, "I hope it'll be fun,". Everything Sarah planned usually came to be unusually fun.
"Stop babbling and gimme some eggs!" She took a bite out of a nearby apple that was in a nice basket with oranges, “Isn’t it always?” I turned around and put the eggs on a plate that she took out without my attention. I set the pan in the sink and ran some water so it can soak. I was too lazy at that moment to wash it. I could hear Sarah eating loudly behind me.
"Yummy?" I asked as I set the apron on the hook behind the pantry door. On my way to sit with Sarah, I grabbed my pumps and as I sat on the elevated stool, slid them on. She nodded, her mouth too full of eggs to answer my question. My head was still pounding, and I tried to remember what happened last night… Nothing. I waved it off, couldn’t have been anything exciting. But what if…? No, couldn’t have. I’m sure I just went to sleep…
“Okay,” Sarah said while swallowing the last piece, “Ready to go?” I nodded my head, too out of it too talk. “I’ll be in the car, pop a Tylenol or two and come out. Hand me the keys” Sarah motioned for my keys. “I’m still driving?” I managed to choke out. “Do you feel well enough to drive?” Sarah asked, while I handed her my keys. I simply nodded and went to the bathroom to take a Tylenol. I grabbed my sandals to drive in and took the pill. As I was about to close my door, I noticed a blue piece of paper on my dresser. I picked it up :
Charice, Last night, you caught my eye… Text me sometime, I’d really like to meet you when we are both sober. : ) (779) 642-2376 Your little secret
After studying the 10 digits, I folded the paper and stuffed it in my purse. Immediately I sent the mystery number a text. Okay mystery guy, The jig’s up. Who are you? I yearned to know who this guy was, and why he acted so … Romantically. I smiled the whole way to the car. The day was bright and the sky was surprisingly clear. I exited from my loft and entered my silver Chevy 2011 Camero. It was a gift from my last lame, sorry-a*s boyfriend.
“Why are you so smiley all of the sudden?” My sister conveniently asked me as I plopped down in the driver’s seat. I hesitated. Should I tell Sarah about this guy? What if it just blows up in my face? Or will she say something witty and ruin my fun? I decided to keep that piece of information to myself. “Just think today is going to be a great day,” I switched from my heels to my sandals. I find it comfortable to drive in flops. “Mmm-hmm, I know that smile,” Sarah blurted out and put on her seatbelt. · · · ·“There it is!” Sarah practically screamed about her favorite Café. I found the closest parking spot and turned the car off. Sarah got up and went inside, leaving me to fend for myself. I switched my shoes back to my bright apple pumps and shut the car door. As I walked off I clicked the remote to lock and walked inside. It was dainty and the colors were blue and white. It was a Paris themed café. I pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head and searched out for Sarah. Instead I saw Adrian, and I went over to greet him.
“I thought we were going shopping, then out to lunch..” I smiled and kissed his cheek, then sat across from him. “Plans change, It’s flipped flopped now,” He said looking around. I stuffed my glasses in my purse. I noticed a text from that “mystery number” and I pulled my phone out. In due time darling, Be patient. I sent one back: Okay… Mr. Mystery, Can I at least know if we can meet? I sat my phone on the table and almost immediately I got another text.
Maybe. I’ll have to think about it. I heard that you don’t like surprises? Where did you hear that from? An inside source. Hmmm…. Okay mystery guy, I’ll play along. But just know you’re making it really hard to find you not alluring. Oh, on the contrary, I find you very sexy. “Who are you texting so vigorously over there?” Sarah’s firm voice entered my hearing range. I looked up to find her sitting next to Adrian, while Adrian was handing me an iced hot chocolate. I don’t drink coffee. I took the cold cup out of his hand. “Thanks Adrian,” I thanked him as I took a sip, “Delicious! So thanks for the hot chocolate, I forgot that I have a meeting with my supervisor today at 1, so I’ll meet you guys at….?”
“H&M Fashion,” Adrian said while looking at Sarah as if asking her if that was okay. “Alright, you can take Sarah, right?” Adrian nodded. “Bye, guys!” I looked at my watch, I’m already “late”. I walked out and cranked up the car. The drive was unusually quiet. Nothing except the constant soft sound of the radio. I pulled over and answered the last text. I wasn’t really feeling up to doing anything. Is there any way that we can meet now?
There was no reply. I looked to my right and noticed where I was. I was at my favorite restaurant ever! I giggled as I stepped out of my car and locked the door tight. Even though it was from my ex, My Camero was my baby! If you messed with her, you mess with me. But anyway, I went inside and sat at a table. The waitress, to my surprise was a handsome, and definitely devilish man….from the back. He turned around to greet me and he was even cuter than I imagined. It was Miguel!
“Charice?” “Miguel?” We both laughed and he gave me a sweet peck on the cheek. I practically melted. “I thought you were having lunch with Adrian and Sarah,” He implied. “Well,” I started, “I was, but something came up,” I didn’t want to tell him about the guy. He would flip out! I smiled and he asked if he could get me something as he handed me a menu. I replied a martini and he winked at me then left me to order. Did I mention that I have a huge school girl crush on Miguel? ….But he’s one of those you want so badly but you just can’t have him. Very Depressing.
I pulled out my iPod touch and turned it on shuffle. Miguel brought me my martini and I ordered my usual. I sang softly to myself while rocking slowly to the beat. My phone vibrated and I looked in my purse. You have a beautiful singing voice. How in the hell do you know that?! Are you here? Stop yelling, it was a compliment. Don’t get mad…please. Okay…..Thanks. I immediately stopped singing. I hate it when people hear me sing. “Enjoying your meal, ma’m?” I looked up.
“Where’s Miguel?” © 2011 VanessaAuthor's Note
Added on December 28, 2011 Last Updated on December 28, 2011 Tags: Teen, My Best Friend's Boyfriend, Romance, Betrayal, Young Adult, NessNess9095 Author![]() VanessaSCAboutWell... I obviously like to write :) As a hobby anyways, I play guitar, sing, dance, cook, draw manga/anime, play video games :P FAVORITE VIDEO GAME EVER: CATHERINE!!!! :)))) In my spare time I do abb.. more..Writing