He’s mesmerized by the sound of his feet hitting the ground as he strolls a long the sidewalk, the air shimmering in the twilight. Everything for him so bleak and unnecessary... But his thoughts are interrupted by a subtle sound in front of him. He looks up from the ground below to see a woman in front of him. Speechless he hesitates and suddenly reaches his hand out to touch her face on an impulse. Just before his fingertips touched her perfect skin she was gone. Confused he continues on home, his heart racing from the thought of her. He looks out his window, the sky darkening he decides she was just a trick of the mind he turns and climbs into bed. Laying there he stares at the ceiling unable to sleep. Without warning she is there beside him, her small delicate lips curved into a smile directed at him.The only thought that was able to cross his mind at that moment was...Such a Perfect Day...