An Empty Wish To Be With YouA Poem by Kitsune-Wishes dont come true all the time.If I plug my ears and scream It still wont make you stop
You'll just keep at me until you cant breathe
And then maybe you'll suffocate
Im more grown up nowI can stand on my ownThough I sit alone and plan my revenge"You will writhe in your blood..spilled by your creation"
I repeat that in my head
I'll try to sleep but I cant close my eyes
See what you've turned me into?
Now Im the one who's screaming silently
Wanting to leave this shell of a bodyThere's nothing inside anymore Im worn down and colorless
1 Review Added on December 12, 2008 Last Updated on December 12, 2008 AuthorKitsune-PortlandAboutIf I were to tell you too much about me.. what left would there be to talk about? That would ruin the fun don't you think? If you really insist I am 13, not that old, but smarter than most adults. My .. more..Writing