Ostiatim, iter devium. A vespere usque mane, occidit animam. Quaeritur quid sit gestum. Brevi tempore crevit ut crevit spiritus quiete. Dulcis somnia sunt facta, extemplo omnibus his capieris. Hinc illuc, et ostium quod aperit requiesces in tenebris et in pace inventus est.
Life, the longest thing we will experience. Death, the shortest thing we will experience. What we do in between the two will determine our walk, our path in this experience. Death lurks from the beginning waiting, biding it's timely chance to snatch our soul in a split second. What happens after death? Will our souls return back to the Life Stream of the planet? Or do our souls go elsewhere? I don't know about you, friend, but I like to believe that our souls return back to the Mother Crystal. If we get lucky, we might get a second chance at life. When we die, I believe that our bodies return back to the planets Life Stream as all of our memories and experiences returns back to the Mother Crystal. But, what would happen if the Mother Crystal becomes tainted....